macro_rules! atomic_with_ghost {
    ($($tokens:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Performs a given atomic operation on a given atomic while providing access to its ghost state.

atomic_with_ghost! supports the types AtomicU64 AtomicU32, AtomicU16, AtomicU8, AtomicI64, AtomicI32, AtomicI16, AtomicI8, and AtomicBool.

For each type, it supports all applicable atomic operations among load, store, swap, compare_exchange, compare_exchange_weak, fetch_add, fetch_add_wrapping, fetch_sub, fetch_sub_wrapping, fetch_or, fetch_and, fetch_xor, fetch_nand, fetch_max, and fetch_min.

Naturally, AtomicBool does not support the arithmetic-specific operations.

In general, the syntax is:

let result = atomic_with_ghost!(
    $atomic => $operation_name($operands...);
    update $prev -> $next;         // `update` line is optional
    returning $ret;                // `returning` line is optional
    ghost $g => {
        /* Proof code with access to `tracked` variable `g: G` */

Here, the $operation_name is one of load, store, etc. Meanwhile, $prev, $next, and $ret are all identifiers which will be available as spec variable inside the block to describe the atomic action which is performed.

For example, suppose the user performs fetch_add(1). The atomic operation might load the value 5, add 1, store the value 6, and return the original value, 5. In that case, we would have prev == 5, next == 6, and ret == 5.

The specification for a given operation is given as a relation between prev, next, and ret; that is, at the beginning of the proof block, the user may assume the given specification holds:

load()next == prev && rev == prev
store(x)next == x && ret == ()
swap(x)next == x && ret == prev
compare_exchange(x, y)prev == x && next == y && ret == Ok(prev) (“success”) OR
prev != x && next == prev && ret == Err(prev) (“failure”)
compare_exchange_weak(x, y)prev == x && next == y && ret == Ok(prev) (“success”) OR
next == prev && ret == Err(prev) (“failure”)
fetch_add(x) (*)next == prev + x && ret == prev
fetch_add_wrapping(x)next == wrapping_add(prev, x) && ret == prev
fetch_sub(x) (*)next == prev - x && ret == prev
fetch_sub_wrapping(x)next == wrapping_sub(prev, x) && ret == prev
fetch_or(x)next == prev | x && ret == prev
fetch_and(x)next == prev & x && ret == prev
fetch_xor(x)next == prev ^ x && ret == prev
fetch_nand(x)next == !(prev & x) && ret == prev
fetch_max(x)next == max(prev, x) && ret == prev
fetch_min(x)next == max(prev, x) && ret == prev
no_op() (**)next == prev && ret == ()

(*) Note that fetch_add and fetch_sub do not specify wrapping-on-overflow; instead, they require the user to prove that overflow does not occur, i.e., the user must show that next is in bounds for the integer type in question. Furthermore, for fetch_add and fetch_sub, the spec values of prev, next, and ret are all given with type int, so the user may reason about boundedness within the proof block.

(As executable code, fetch_add is equivalent to fetch_add_wrapping, and likewise for fetch_sub and fetch_sub_wrapping. We have both because it’s frequently the case that the user needs to verify lack-of-overflow anyway, and having it as an explicit precondition by default then makes verification errors easier to diagnose. Furthermore, when overflow is intended, the wrapping operations document that intent.)

(**) no_op is entirely a ghost operation and doesn’t emit any actual instruction. This allows the user to access the ghost state and the stored value (as spec data) without actually performing a load.

At the beginning of the proof block, the user may assume, in addition to the specified relation between prev, next, and ret, that atomic.inv(prev, g) holds. The user is required to update g such that atomic.inv(next, g) holds at the end of the block. In other words, the ghost block has the implicit pre- and post-conditions:

let result = atomic_with_ghost!(
    $atomic => $operation_name($operands...);
    update $prev -> $next;
    returning $ret;
    ghost $g => {
        assume(specified relation on (prev, next, ret));
        assume(atomic.inv(prev, g));

        // User code here; may update variable `g` with full
        // access to variables in the outer context.

        assert(atomic.inv(next, g));

Note that the necessary action on ghost state might depend on the result of the operation; for example, if the user performs a compare-and-swap, then the ghost action that they then need to do will probably depend on whether the operation succeeded or not.

The value returned by the atomic_with_ghost!(...) expression will be equal to ret, although the return value is an exec value (the actual result of the operation) while ret is a spec value.

Example (TODO)