macro_rules! assert_maps_equal {
    [$($tail:tt)*] => { ... };
Expand description

Prove two maps map1 and map2 are equal by proving that their values are equal at each key.

More precisely, assert_maps_equal! requires that for each key k:

  • map1 contains k in its domain if and only if map2 does (map1.dom().contains(k) <==> map2.dom().contains(k))
  • If they contain k in their domains, then their values are equal (map1.dom().contains(k) && map2.dom().contains(k) ==> map1[k] == map2[k])

The property that equality follows from these facts is often called extensionality.

assert_maps_equal! can handle many trivial-looking identities without any additional help:

proof fn insert_remove(m: Map<int, int>, k: int, v: int)
    requires !m.dom().contains(k)
    ensures m.insert(k, v).remove(k) == m
    let m2 = m.insert(k, v).remove(k);
    assert_maps_equal!(m == m2);
    assert(m == m2);

For more complex cases, a proof may be required for each key:

proof fn bitvector_maps() {
    let m1 = Map::<u64, u64>::new(
        |key: u64| key & 31 == key,
        |key: u64| key | 5);

    let m2 = Map::<u64, u64>::new(
        |key: u64| key < 32,
        |key: u64| 5 | key);

    assert_maps_equal!(m1 == m2, key => {
        // Show that the domains of m1 and m2 are the same by showing their predicates
        // are equivalent.
        assert_bit_vector((key & 31 == key) <==> (key < 32));

        // Show that the values are the same by showing that these expressions
        // are equivalent.
        assert_bit_vector(key | 5 == 5 | key);