Module vstd::tokens

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  • Unique identifier for every VerusSync instance. Every “Token” and “Instance” object has an InstanceId. These ID values must agree to perform any token operation.


  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the count strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the set, persistent_set or multiset strategies.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the map or persistent_map strategies.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the persistent_count strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the bool or persistent_bool strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the set strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the map strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the bool strategy.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the variable or option strategies.
  • Interface for VerusSync tokens created for a field marked with the variable, option or persistent_option strategies.
