Components of a State Machine

The state_machines_macros library provides two macros, state_machine! and tokenized_state_machine!. This overview will discuss the first.

The state_machine! framework provides a way to establish a basic state machine, consisting of four components:

  1. The state definition
  2. The transitions (including initialization procedures)
  3. Invariants on the state
  4. Proofs that the invariants hold

Here’s a very simple example:

    AdderMachine {
        //// The state definition
        fields {
            pub number: int,
        //// The transitions

            initialize() {
                init number = 0;

            add(n: int) {
                update number = pre.number + 2*n;
        //// Invariants on the state

        pub fn is_even() -> bool {
            pre.number % 2 == 0
        //// Proofs that the invariants hold

        fn initialize_inductive(post: AdderMachine) {
            // Verus proves that 0 % 2 == 0

        fn add_inductive(pre: AdderMachine, post: AdderMachine, n: int) {
            // Verus proves that if `pre.number % 2 == 0` then
            // `post.number` is `pre.number + 2*n` is divisble by 2 as well.


The state definition is given inside a block labelled fields (a special keyword recognized by the state_machine! macro):

        fields {
            pub number: int,

The fields are like you’d find in a struct: they must be named fields (i.e., there’s no “tuple” option for the state). The fields are also implicitly #[spec].


There are four different types of “operations”: init!, transition!, readonly!, and property!. The body of the operation is a “transition DSL” which is interpretted by the macro:

  • An init! becomes a 1-state relation representing valid initial states of the system
  • A transition! becomes a 2-state relation representing a transition from one state (pre) to the next (post)
  • A readonly! becomes a 2-state relation where the state cannot be modified.
  • A property! allows the user to add safety conditions on a single state (pre).

When exported as relations:

  • 1-state init! operations take 1 argument, pre.
  • 2-state operations (transition! and readonly!) take 2 arguments, pre and post.
  • property! operations are not exported as relations.

Each operation (transition or otherwise) is deterministic in its input arguments, so any intended non-determinism should be done via the arguments. The DSL allows the user to update fields; any field not updated is implied to remain the same. An init! transition is required to initialize each field, so that the intialization is fully determined. The DSL provides four fundamental operations (init, update, require, assert) as detailed in the transition language reference. They are allowed according to the following table:


The distinction between readonly! and property! is somewhat pedantic: after all, both are expressed as predicates on states which are not modified, and both allow require and assert statements. The difference is that a readonly! operation is exported as an actual transition between pre and post (with pre === post) whereas a property! is not exported as a transition.


See the documentation for invariants.