Here, we provide justification for the concurrent state machine features in terms of a (pen-and-paper) monoid formalism.

Let the state machine have state S = { f1: T1, f2: T2, ... } with an invariant Inv : S -> bool.

We define a monoid M:

enum M {
    State(g1: S1, g2: S2, ...),

Each Si is a partial monoid defined in terms of Ti and its respective sharding strategy.

We let Unit, of course, be the unit, and we define x · Fail = Fail for all x. The composition of two State elements is defined pairwise, and if any of the compositions fails due to partiality, we go to the Fail state.

The sharding strategies are as follows, given in terms of a type T:

  • Strategy variable: We let S be Option<T> with None as the unit, and the composition Some(...) · Some(...) to be undefined.
  • Strategy constant: We let S be Option<T> with None as the unit, and the composition Some(x) · Some(y) = if x == y { Some(x) } else { undefined }.

For each strategy we have some map W : S -> T. (In all cases, the map is either the identity or Some(_).) Now, define a predicate P : M -> bool:

P(Unit) = false
P(Fail) = false
P(State(g1, g2, ...)) = ∃ f1, f2, ... Inv(S(f1, f2, ...)) && Wi(fi) = gi

Now let V : M -> bool be given by:

V(x) = ∃ z , P(x · z)

The predicate V makes M a partial commutative monoid. From this, we can construct propositions (γ, m) where γ is a location and m : M under the standard rules, e.g., (γ, m1) * (γ, m2) <==> (γ, m1 · m2) and so on.

Now, the concurrent state machine framework produces a variety of tokens.

  • The Instance token (γ, c1, …, ck) contains all the data for the fields of constant sharding strategy. It represents the proposition (γ, State(...)) with fields gi = Some(ci) and all other fields unital. Note that this proposition is freely duplicable (because Some(ci) · Some(ci) = Some(ci)).
  • For (non-constant) field f, we create separate tokens for that field. Each token represents the same proposition as the Instance (which, again, is freely duplicable) and some proposition specific to the field, described below:
    • For a field fi of variable strategy, we have a token (instance, fi) which represents the proposition (γ, State(...)) with field gi = Some(fi) (and all other fields unital).