
An invariant on a transition system is a boolean predicate that must hold on any reachable state of the system—i.e., a state reachable by starting at any init and then executing a sequence of transitions.

Verus allows the user to specify an inductive invariant, that is, a predicate that must satisfy the inductive criteria:

  • init(state) ==> inv(state)
  • transition(pre, post) && inv(pre) ==> inv(post)

By induction, any predicate satisfying the above criteria is necessarily a valid invariant that holds for any reachable state.

There are many reasons the user might need to specify (and prove correct) such an invariant:

  • The invariant is needed to prove the safety conditions of the state machine, that is, the assert statements that appear in any transitions or properties.

  • The invariant is needed to prove a state machine refinement.

Specifying the invariants

To make it easier to name individual clauses of the inductive invariant, they are given as boolean predicates with #[invariant] attributes. The boolean predicates should take a single argument, &self.

pub fn inv_1(&self) -> bool { ... }

pub fn inv_2(&self) -> bool { ... }

The state machine macro produces a single predicate invariant which is the conjunct of all the given invariants.

Proving the inductive criteria

To prove that the invariants are correct, the user needs to prove that every init! operation results in a state satisfying the invariant, and that every transition! operation preserves the invariant from one state to the next. This is done by creating a lemma to contain the proof and annotating it with the inductive attribute:

// For an `init!` routine:
fn initialize_inductive(post: Self) {
    // Proof here

// For a `transition!` routine:
fn transition_inductive(pre: Self, post: Self, n: int) {
    // Proof here

Verus requires one lemma for each init! and transition! routine, provided at least one invariant predicate is specified. (The lemma would be trivial for a readonly! transition, so for these, it is not required.)

  • For an init! operation, the lemma parameters should always be post: Self, ... where the ... are the custom arguments to the transition.
  • For a transition! operation, the lemma parameters should always be pre: Self, post: Self, ....

If the lemmas are omitted, then the Verus error will provide the expected type signatures in the console output.

Pre- and post-conditions for each lemma are automatically generated, so these should be left off. Specifically, the macro generates the following conditions:

// For an `init!` routine:
fn initialize_inductive(post: StateName, ...) {
    requires(init(post, ...));
    // ... The user's proof is placed here

// For a `transition!` routine:
fn transition_inductive(pre: StateName, post: StateName, ...) {
    requires(strong_transition(pre, post, ...) && pre.invariant());
    // ... The user's proof is placed here

Here, init and strong_transition refer to the relations generated from the DSL. These contain all the predicates from the require statements defined in the transition or initialization routine.

The strong indicates that we can assume the conditions given by any assert statements in addition to the require statements. (Proof obligations for the assert statements are generated separately.)


(TODO should have an example)