Interior Mutability

The Interior Mutability pattern is a particular Rust pattern wherein the user is able to manipulate the contents of a value accessed via a shared borrow &. (Though & is often referred to as “immutable borrow,” we will call it a “shared borrow” here, to avoid confusion.) Two common Rust types illustrating interior mutability are Cell and RefCell. Here, we will overview the equivalent concepts in Verus.

Mutating stuff that can’t mutate

To understand the key challenge in verifying these interior mutability patterns, recall an important fact of Verus’s SMT encoding. Verus assumes that any value of type &T, for any type T, can never change. However, we also know that the contents of a &Cell<V> might change. After all, that’s the whole point of the Cell<T> type!

The inescapable conclusion, then, is that the value taken by a Cell<T> in Verus’ SMT encoding must not depend on the cell’s contents. Instead, the SMT “value” of a Cell<T> is nothing more than a unique identifier for the Cell. In some regards, it may help to think of Cell<T> as similar to a pointer T*. The value of the Cell<T> is only its identifier (its “pointer address”) rather than its contents (“the thing pointed to be a pointer”). Of course, it’s not a pointer, but from the perspective of the encoding, it might as well be.

Note one immediate ramification of this property: Verus’ pure equality === on Cell types cannot possibly give the same results as Rust’s standard == (eq) on Cell types. Rust’s == function actually compares the contents of the cells. But pure equality, ===, which must depend on the SMT encoding values, cannot possibly depend on the contents! Instead, === compares two cells as equal only if they are the same cell.

So, with these challenges in mind, how do we handle interior mutability in Verus?

There are a few different approaches we can take.

  • When retrieving a value from the interior of a Cell-like data structure, we can model this as non-deterministically receiving a value of the given type. At first, this might seem like it gives us too little to work with for verifying correctness properties. However, we can impose additional structure by specifying data invariants to restrict the space of possible values.

  • Track the exact value using tracked ghost code.

More sophisticated data structures—especially concurrent ones—often require a careful balance of both approaches. We’ll introduce both here.

Data Invariants with InvCell.

Suppose we have an expensive computation and we want to memoize its value. The first time we need to compute the value, we perform the computation and store its value for whenever it’s needed later. To do this, we’ll use a Cell, whose interior is intialized to None to store the computed value. The memoized compute function will then:

  • Read the value in the Cell.
    • If it’s None, then the value hasn’t been computed yet. Compute the value, store it for later, then return it.
    • If it’s Some(x), then the value has already been computed, so return it immediately.

Crucially, the correctness of this approach doesn’t actually depend on being able to predict which of these cases any invocation will take. (It might be a different story if we were attempting to prove a bound on the time the program will take.) All we need to know is that it will take one of these cases. Therefore, we can verify this code by using a cell with a data invariant:

  • Invariant: the value stored in the interior of the cell is either None or Some(x), where x is the expected result of the computation.

Concretely, the above can be implemented in Verus using InvCell, provided by Verus’ standard library, which provides a data-invariant-based specification. When constructing a new InvCell<T>, the user specifies a data invariant: some boolean predicate over the type T which tells the cell what values are allowed to be stored. Then, the InvCell only has to impose the restriction that whenever the user writes to the cell, the value val being written has to satisfy the predicate, cell.inv(val). In exchange, though, whenever the user reads from the cell, they know the value they receive satisfies cell.inv(val).

Here’s an example using an InvCell to implement a memoized function:

spec fn result_of_computation() -> u64 {

fn expensive_computation() -> (res: u64)
        res == result_of_computation(),
    1 + 1

spec fn cell_is_valid(cell: &InvCell<Option<u64>>) -> bool {
    &&& forall|v|
        (cell.inv(v) <==> match v {
            Option::Some(i) => i == result_of_computation(),
            Option::None => true,

// Memoize the call to `expensive_computation()`.
// The argument here is an InvCell wrapping an Option<u64>,
// which is initially None, but then it is set to the correct
// answer once it's computed.
// The precondition here, given in the definition of `cell_is_valid` above,
// says that the InvCell has an invariant that the interior contents is either
// `None` or `Some(i)` where `i` is the desired value.
fn memoized_computation(cell: &InvCell<Option<u64>>) -> (res: u64)
        res == result_of_computation(),
    let c = cell.get();
    match c {
        Option::Some(i) => {
            // The value has already been computed; return the cache value
        Option::None => {
            // The value hasn't been computed yet. Compute it here
            let i = expensive_computation();
            // Store it for later
            // And return it now

Tracked ghost state with PCell.

(TODO finish writing this chapter)