Structured Proofs by Calculation


Sometimes, you need to establish some relation R between two expressions, say, a_1 and a_n, where it might be easier to do this in a series of steps, a_1 to a_2, a_2 to a_3, … all the way to a_n. One might do this by just doing all the steps at once, but as mentioned in the section on assert-by, a better approach might be to split it into a collection of restricted contexts. This is better, but still might not be ideal, since you need to repeat each of the intermediate expressions at each point.

calc!ulations, to Reduce Redundant Redundancy

The calc! macro supports structured proofs through calculations.

In particular, one can show a_1 R a_n for some transitive relation R by performing a series of steps a_1 R a_2, a_2 R a_3, … a_{n-1} R a_n. The calc macro provides both convenient syntax sugar to perform such a proof conveniently, without repeating oneself too often, or exposing the internal steps to the outside context.

The expected usage looks like:

calc! {
  a_1; { /* proof that a_1 R a_2 */ }
  a_2; { /* proof that a_2 R a_3 */ }

For example,

    let a: int = 2;
    calc! {
        a; {}
        a + 3; {}

which is equivalent to proving a <= 5 using a <= b <= 5. In this case, each of the intermediate proofs are trivial, thus have an empty {} block, but in general, can have arbitrary proofs inside their blocks.

Notice that you mention a_1, a_2, … a_n only once each. Additionally, the proof for each of the steps is localized, and restricted to only its particular step, ensuring that proof-context is not polluted.

The body of the function where this calc statement is written only gets to see a_1 R a_n, and not any of the intermediate steps (or their proofs), further limiting proof-context pollution.

Currently, the calc! macro supports common transitive relations for R (such as == and <=). This set of relations may be extended in the future.

Relating Relations to Relations

While a relation like <= might be useful to use like above, it is possible that not every intermediate step needs a <=; sometimes one might be able to be more precise, and maintaining this (especially for documentation/readability reasons) might be useful. For example, one might want to say a_1 <= a_2 == a_3 <= a_4 < a_5 <= ....

This is supported by calc by specifying the extra intermediate relations inline (with the default being the high-level relation). These relations are checked to be consistent with the top-level relation, in order to maintain transitivity (so for example, using > in the above chain would be caught and reported with a helpful message).

A simple example of using intermediate relations looks like the following:

    let x: int = 2;
    let y: int = 5;
    calc! {
        x; (==) {}
        5 - 3; (<) {}
        5int; {}  // Notice that no intermediate relation
                  // is specified here, so `calc!` will
                  // consider the top-level relation
                  // `R`; here `<=`.

This example is equivalent to saying x <= y using x == 5 - 3 < 5 <= y.