Proofs by Computation


Some proofs should be “obvious” by simply computing on values. For example, given a function pow(base, exp) defining exponentiation, we would like it to be straightforward and deterministic to prove that pow(2, 8) == 256. However, in general, to keep recursive functions like pow from overwhelming the SMT solver with too many unrollings, Verus defaults to only unrolling such definitions once. Hence, to make the assertion above go through, the developer needs to carefully adjust the amount of “fuel” provided to unroll pow. Even with such adjustment, we have observed cases where Z3 does “the wrong thing”, e.g., it does not unroll the definitions enough, or it refuses to simplify non-linear operations on statically known constants. As a result, seemingly simple proofs like the one above don’t always go through as expected.

Enter Proof by Computation

Verus allows the developer to perform such proofs via computation, i.e., by running an internal interpreter over the asserted fact. The developer can specify the desired computation using assert(e) by (compute) (for some expression e). Continuing the example above, the developer could write:

// Naive definition of exponentiation
spec fn pow(base: nat, exp: nat) -> nat
    decreases exp,
    if exp == 0 {
    } else {
        base * pow(base, (exp - 1) as nat)

proof fn concrete_pow() {
    assert(pow(2, 8) == 256) by (compute);  // Assertion 1
    assert(pow(2, 9) == 512);  // Assertion 2
    assert(pow(2, 8) == 256) by (compute_only);  // Assertion 3

In Assertion 1, Verus will internally reduce the left-hand side to 256 by repeatedly evaluating pow and then simplify the entire expression to true.

When encoded to the SMT solver, the result will be (approximately):

assume(pow(2, 8) == 256);

In other words, in the encoding, we assert whatever remains after simplification and then assume the original expression. Hence, even if simplification only partially succeeds, Z3 may still be able to complete the proof. Furthermore, because we assume the original expression, it is still available to trigger other ambient knowledge or contribute to subsequent facts. Hence Assertion 2 will succeed, since Z3 will unfold the definition of pow once and then use the previously established fact that pow(2,8) == 256.

If you want to ensure that the entire proof completes through computation and leaves no additional work for Z3, then you can use assert(e) by (compute_only) as shown in Assertion 3. Such an assertion will fail unless the interpreter succeeds in reducing the expression completely down to true. This can be useful for ensuring the stability of your proof, since it does not rely on any Z3 heuristics.

Important note: An assertion using proof by computation does not inherit any context from its environment. Hence, this example:

let x = 2;
assert(pow(2, x) == 4) by (compute_only);

will fail, since x will be treated symbolically, and hence the assertion will not simplify all the way down to true. This can be remedied either by using assert(e) by (compute) and allowing Z3 to finish the proof, or by moving the let into the assertion, e.g., as:

proof fn let_passes() {
        let x = 2;
        pow(2, x) == 4
    }) by (compute_only);

While proofs by computation are most useful for concrete values, the interpreter also supports symbolic values, and hence it can complete certain proofs symbolically. For example, given variables a, b, c, d, the following succeeds:

proof fn seq_example(a: Seq<int>, b: Seq<int>, c: Seq<int>, d: Seq<int>) {
    assert(seq![a, b, c, d] =~= seq![a, b].add(seq![c, d])) by (compute_only);

To prevent infinite interpretation loops (which can arise even when the code is proven to terminate, since the termination proof only applies to concrete inputs, whereas the interpreter may encounter symbolic values), Verus limits the time it will spend interpreting any given proof by computation. Specifically, the time limit is the number of seconds specified via the --rlimit command-line option.

By default, the interpreter does not cache function call results based on the value of the arguments passed to the function. Experiments showed this typically hurts performance, since it entails traversing the (large) AST nodes representing the arguments. However, some examples need such caching to succceed (e.g., computing with the naive definition of Fibonacci). Such functions can be annotated with #[verifier::memoize], which will cause their results to be cached during computation.

Current Limitations

  1. As mentioned above, the expression given to a proof by computation is interpreted in isolation from any surrounding context.
  2. The expression passed to a proof-by-computation assertion must be in spec mode, which means it cannot be used on proof or exec mode functions.
  3. The interpreter is recursive, so a deeply nested expression (or series of function calls) may cause Verus to exceed the process’ stack space.

See Also

  1. The test suite has a variety of small examples.
  2. We also have several more complex examples.