exists and choose

exists expressions are the dual of forall expressions. While forall|i: int| f(i) means that f(i) is true for all i, exists|i: int| f(i) means that f(i) is true for at least one i. To prove exists|i: int| f(i), an SMT solver has to find one value for i such that f(i) is true. This value is called a witness for exists|i: int| f(i). As with forall expressions, proofs about exists expressions are based on triggers. Specifically, to prove an exists expression, the SMT solver uses the exists expression’s trigger to try to find a witness.

In the following example, the trigger is is_even(i):

proof fn test_exists_succeeds() {
    assert(exists|i: int| #[trigger] is_even(i));  // succeeds with witness i = 4 or i = 6

There are three expressions that match the trigger: is_even(4), is_even(5), and is_even(6). Two of them, is_even(4) and is_even(6) are possible witnesses for exists|i: int| #[trigger] is_even(i). Based on these, the assertion succeeds, using either i = 4 or i = 6 as a witness.

By contrast, the same assertion fails in the following code, since no expressions matching is_even(i) are around:

proof fn test_exists_fails() {
    assert(exists|i: int| #[trigger] is_even(i)); // FAILS, no match for trigger


The proofs above try to prove that an exists expression is true. Suppose, though, that we already know that an exists expression is true, perhaps because we assume it as a function precondition. This means that some witness to the exists expression must exist. If we want to get the witness, we can use a choose expression.

A choose expression choose|i: int| f(i) implements the Hilbert choice operator (sometimes known as epsilon): it chooses some value i that satisfies f(i) if such a value exists. Otherwise, it picks an arbitrary value for i.

The following example assumes exists|i: int| f(i) as a precondition. Based on this, the SMT solver knows that there is at least one witness i that makes f(i) true, and choose picks one of these witnesses arbitrarily:

spec fn f(i: int) -> bool;

proof fn test_choose_succeeds()
        exists|i: int| f(i),
    let i_witness = choose|i: int| f(i);

If, on the other hand, we don’t know exists|i: int| f(i), then choose just returns an arbitrary value that might not satisfy f(i) (as discussed in ghost vs exec code, ghost code can create an arbitrary value of any type):

proof fn test_choose_fails() {
    let i_witness = choose|i: int| f(i);
    assert(i_witness < 0 || i_witness >= 0); // i_witness is some integer
    assert(f(i_witness)); // FAILS because we don't know exists|i: int| f(i)

Regardless of whether we know exists|i: int| f(i) or not, the choose|i: int| f(i) expression always returns the same value:

proof fn test_choose_same() {
    let x = choose|i: int| f(i);
    let y = choose|i: int| f(i);
    assert(x == y);

You can also choose multiple values together, collecting the values in a tuple:

spec fn less_than(x: int, y: int) -> bool {
    x < y

proof fn test_choose_succeeds2() {
    assert(less_than(3, 7));  // promote i = 3, i = 7 as a witness
    let (x, y) = choose|i: int, j: int| less_than(i, j);
    assert(x < y);

In this example, the SMT solver can prove exists|i: int, j: int| less_than(i, j) because the expression less_than(3, 7) matches the automatically chosen trigger less_than(i, j) when i = 3 and j = 7, so that i = 3, j = 7 serves as a witness.