forall and triggers

Let’s take a closer look at the following code, which uses a forall expression in a requires clause to prove an assertion:

proof fn test_use_forall(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> #[trigger] is_even(s[i]),

The forall expression means that 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]) for all possible integers i:

0 <= -3 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[-3])
0 <= -2 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[-2])
0 <= -1 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[-1])
0 <= 0 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[0])
0 <= 1 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[1])
0 <= 2 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[2])
0 <= 3 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[3])

There are infinitely many integers i, so the list shown above is infinitely long. We can’t expect the SMT solver to literally expand the forall into an infinite list of expressions. Furthermore, in this example, we only care about one of the expressions, the expression for i = 3, since this is all we need to prove assert(is_even(s[3])):

0 <= 3 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[3])

Ideally, the SMT solver will choose just the i that are likely to be relevant to verifying a particular program. The most common technique that SMT solvers use for choosing likely relevant i is based on triggers (also known as SMT patterns or just patterns).

A trigger is simply an expression or set of expressions that the SMT solver uses as a pattern to match with. In the example above, the #[trigger] attribute marks the expression is_even(s[i]) as the trigger for the forall expression. Based on this attribute, the SMT solver looks for expressions of the form is_even(s[...]). During the verification of the test_use_forall function shown above, there is one expression that has this form: is_even(s[3]). This matches the trigger is_even(s[i]) exactly for i = 3. Based on this pattern match, the SMT solver chooses i = 3 and introduces the following fact:

0 <= 3 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[3])

This fact allows the SMT solver to complete the proof about the assertion assert(is_even(s[3])).

Triggers are the way you program the instantiations of the forall expressions (and the way you program proofs of exists expressions, as discussed in a later section). By choosing different triggers, you can influence how the forall expressions get instantiated with different values, such as i = 3 in the example above. Suppose, for example, we change the assertion slightly so that we assert s[3] % 2 == 0 instead of is_even(s[3]). Mathematically, these are both equivalent. However, the assertion about s[3] % 2 == 0 fails:

spec fn is_even(i: int) -> bool {
    i % 2 == 0

proof fn test_use_forall_fail(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> #[trigger] is_even(s[i]),
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0); // FAILS: doesn't trigger is_even(s[i])

This fails because there are no expressions matching the pattern is_even(s[...]); the expression s[3] % 2 == 0 doesn’t mention is_even at all. In order to prove s[3] % 2 == 0, we’d first have to mention is_even(s[3]) explicitly:

proof fn test_use_forall_succeeds1(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> #[trigger] is_even(s[i]),
    assert(is_even(s[3]));  // triggers is_even(s[3])
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0);  // succeeds, because previous line already instantiated the forall

Once the expression is_even(s[3]) coaxes the SMT solver into instantiating the forall expression with i = 3, the SMT solver can use the resulting 0 <= 3 < s.len() ==> is_even(s[3]) to prove s[3] % 2 == 0.

Alternatively, we could just choose a trigger that is less picky. For example, the trigger s[i] matches any expression of the form s[...], which includes the s[3] inside s[3] % 2 == 0 and also includes the s[3] inside is_even(s[3]):

proof fn test_use_forall_succeeds2(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(#[trigger] s[i]),
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0);  // succeeds by triggering s[3]

In fact, if we omit the #[trigger] attribute entirely, Verus chooses the trigger s[i] automatically:

proof fn test_use_forall_succeeds3(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]), // Verus chooses s[i] as the trigger and prints a note
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0); // succeeds by triggering s[3]

In fact, Verus prints a note stating that it chose this trigger:

note: automatically chose triggers for this expression:
   |         forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]), // Verus chooses s[i] as the trigger
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

note:   trigger 1 of 1:
   |         forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]), // Verus chooses s[i] as the trigger
   |                                                     ^^^^

note: Verus printed one or more automatically chosen quantifier triggers
      because it had low confidence in the chosen triggers.

Verus isn’t sure, though, whether the programmer wants s[i] as the trigger or is_even(s[i]) as the trigger. It slightly prefers s[i] because s[i] is smaller than is_even(s[i]), so it chooses s[i], but it also prints out the note encouraging the programmer to review the decision. The programmer can accept this decision by writing #![auto] before the quantifier body, which suppresses the note:

proof fn test_use_forall_succeeds4(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int|
            0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]),  // Verus chooses s[i] as the trigger
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0);  // succeeds by triggering s[3]

Good triggers and bad triggers

So … which trigger is better, s[i] or is_even(s[i])? Unfortunately, there’s no one best answer to this kind of question. There are tradeoffs between the two different choices. The trigger s[i] leads to more pattern matches than is_even(s[i]). More matches means that the SMT solver is more likely to find relevant instantiations that help a proof succeed. However, more matches also means that the SMT solver is more likely to generate irrelevant instantiations that clog up the SMT solver with useless information, slowing down the proof.

In this case, s[i] is probably a good trigger to choose. It matches whenever the function test_use_forall_succeeds4 talks about an element of the sequence s, yielding a fact that is likely to be useful for reasoning about s. By contrast, suppose we chose the following bad trigger, 0 <= i:

proof fn test_use_forall_bad1(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| (#[trigger](0 <= i)) && i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]),
    assert(s[3] % 2 == 0);

In principle, this would match any value that is greater than or equal to 0, which would include values that have nothing to do with s and are unlikely to be relevant to s. In practice, Verus doesn’t even let you do this: triggers cannot contain equality or disequality (==, ===, !=, or !==), any basic integer arithmetic operator (like <= or +), or any basic boolean operator (like &&):

error: trigger must be a function call, a field access, or a bitwise operator
    |         forall|i: int| (#[trigger](0 <= i)) && i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]),
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If we really wanted, we could work around this by introducing an extra function:

spec fn nonnegative(i: int) -> bool {
    0 <= i

proof fn test_use_forall_bad2(s: Seq<int>)
        5 <= s.len(),
        forall|i: int| #[trigger] nonnegative(i) && i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]),
    assert(is_even(s[3])); // FAILS: doesn't trigger nonnegative(i)

but this trigger fails to match, because the code doesn’t explicitly mention nonnegative(3) (you’d have to add an explicit assert(nonnegative(3)) to make the code work). This is probably just as well; s[i] is simply a better trigger than nonnegative(i), because s[i] mentions s, and the whole point of forall|i: int| 0 <= i < s.len() ==> is_even(s[i]) is to say something about the elements of s, not to say something about nonnegative numbers.