Bit vectors and bitwise operations

Verus offers two dedicated mechanisms for reasoning about bit manipulation (e.g., to prove that xor(w, w) == 0). Small, one-off proofs can be done via assert(...) by(bit_vector). Larger proofs, or proofs that will be needed in more than one place, can be done by writing a proof function and adding the annotation by(bit_vector).
Both mechanisms export facts expressed over integers (e.g., in terms of u32), but internally, they translate the proof obligations into assertions about bit vectors and use a dedicated solver to discharge those assertions.

assert(...) by(bit_vector)

This style can be used to prove a short and context-free bit-manipulation property. Here are two example use cases:

fn test_passes(b: u32) {
    assert(b & 7 == b % 8) by (bit_vector);
    assert(b & 0xff < 0x100) by (bit_vector);

Currently, assertions expressed via assert(...) by(bit_vector) do not include any ambient facts from the surrounding context (e.g., from the surrounding function’s requires clause or from previous variable assignments). For example, the following example will fail.

fn test_fails(x: u32, y: u32)
  requires x == y
  assert(x & 3 == y & 3) by(bit_vector);  // Fails

To make ambient facts available, add a requires clause to “import” these facts into the bit-vector assertion. For example, the following example will now succeed.

fn test_success(x: u32, y: u32)
        x == y,
    assert(x & 3 == y & 3) by (bit_vector)
            x == y,
    ;  // now x == y is available for the bit_vector proof

proof fn ... by(bit_vector)

This mechanism should be used when proving more complex facts about bit manipulation or when a proof will be used more than once. To use this mechanism, you should write a function in proof mode. The function should not have a body. Context can be provided via a requires clause. For example:

proof fn de_morgan_auto()
    by (bit_vector)
        forall|a: u32, b: u32| #[trigger] (!(a & b)) == !a | !b,
        forall|a: u32, b: u32| #[trigger] (!(a | b)) == !a & !b,


Supported Expressions

The bit-manipulation reasoning mechanism supports only a subset of the full set of expressions Verus offers. Currently, it supports:

  • Unsigned integer types (as well as the as keyword between unsigned integers)
  • Built-in operators
  • let binding
  • Quantifiers
  • if-then-else

Note that function calls are not supported. As a workaround, you may consider using a macro instead of a function.

Bitwise Operators As Uninterpreted Functions

Outside of by(bit_vector), bitwise operators are translated into uninterpreted functions in Z3, meaning Z3 knows nothing about them when used in other contexts. As a consequence, basic properties such as the commutativity and associativity of bitwise-AND will not be applied automatically. To make use of these properties, please refer to this example file, which contains basic properties for bitwise operators.

Naming Arithmetic Operators: add/sub/mul

Inside a bit-vector assertion, please use add, sub, and mul for fixed-width operators instead of + - *, as the latter operators widen the result to a mathematical integer.

Bit-Manipulation Examples Using the get_bit! and set_bit! Macros

You can use two macros, get_bit! and set_bit!, to access and modify a single bit of an integer variable. Please refer our garbage collection example and our bitvector equivalence example.