assert forall … by

The assert forall ... by statement is used to write a proof of a forall expression while introducing the quantified variables into the context.

assert forall |idents| P by {
    // ... proof here
// ... remainder

Much like an ordinary assert ... by statement, the proof inside the body does not enter the context for the remainder of the proof. Only the forall |idents| P expression enters the context. Furthermore, within the proof body, the variables in the idents may be

Note that the parentheses must be left off, in contrast to other kinds of assert statements.

For convenience, you can use implies to introduce a hypothesis automatically into the proof block:

assert forall |idents| H implies P by {
    // ... proof here
// ... remainder

This will make H available in the proof block, so you only have to prove P. In the end, the predicate forall |idents| H ==> P will be proved.