Recursive functions, decreases, fuel

Recursive functions are functions that call themselves. In order to ensure soundness, a recursive spec function must terminate on all inputs — infinite recursive calls aren’t allowed. To see why termination is important, consider the following nonterminating function definition:

spec fn bogus(i: int) -> int {
    bogus(i) + 1 // FAILS, error due to nontermination

Verus rejects this definition because the recursive call loops infinitely, never terminating. If Verus accepted the definion, then you could very easily prove false, because, for example, the definition insists that bogus(3) == bogus(3) + 1, which implies that 0 == 1, which is false:

proof fn exploit_bogus()
    assert(bogus(3) == bogus(3) + 1);

To help prove termination, Verus requires that each recursive spec function definition contain a decreases clause:

spec fn triangle(n: nat) -> nat
    decreases n,
    if n == 0 {
    } else {
        n + triangle((n - 1) as nat)

Each recursive call must decrease the expression in the decreases clause by at least 1. Furthermore, the call cannot cause the expression to decrease below 0. With these restrictions, the expression in the decreases clause serves as an upper bound on the depth of calls that triangle can make to itself, ensuring termination.

Fuel and reasoning about recursive functions

Given the definition of triangle above, we can make some assertions about it:

fn test_triangle_fail() {
    assert(triangle(0) == 0); // succeeds
    assert(triangle(10) == 55); // FAILS

The first assertion, about triangle(0), succeeds. But somewhat surprisingly, the assertion assert(triangle(10) == 55) fails, despite the fact that triangle(10) really is equal to 55. We’ve just encountered a limitation of automated reasoning: SMT solvers cannot automatically prove all true facts about all recursive functions.

For nonrecursive functions, an SMT solver can reason about the functions simply by inlining them. For example, if we have a call min(a + 1, 5) to the min function:

spec fn min(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    if x <= y {
    } else {

the SMT solver can replace min(a + 1, 5) with:

    if a + 1 <= 5 {
        a + 1
    } else {

which eliminates the call. However, this strategy doesn’t completely work with recursive functions, because inlining the function produces another expression with a call to the same function:

triangle(x) = if x == 0 { 0 } else { x + triangle(x - 1) }

Naively, the solver could keep inlining again and again, producing more and more expressions, and this strategy would never terminate:

triangle(x) = if x == 0 { 0 } else { x + triangle(x - 1) }
triangle(x) = if x == 0 { 0 } else { x + (if x - 1 == 0 { 0 } else { x - 1 + triangle(x - 2) }) }
triangle(x) = if x == 0 { 0 } else { x + (if x - 1 == 0 { 0 } else { x - 1 + (if x - 2 == 0 { 0 } else { x - 2 + triangle(x - 3) }) }) }

To avoid this infinite inlining, Verus limits the number of recursive calls that any given call can spawn in the SMT solver. This limit is called the fuel; each nested recursive inlining consumes one unit of fuel. By default, the fuel is 1, which is just enough for assert(triangle(0) == 0) to succeed but not enough for assert(triangle(10) == 55) to succeed. To increase the fuel to a larger amount, we can use the reveal_with_fuel directive:

fn test_triangle_reveal() {
    proof {
        reveal_with_fuel(triangle, 11);
    assert(triangle(10) == 55);

Here, 11 units of fuel is enough to inline the 11 calls triangle(0), …, triangle(10). Note that even if we only wanted to supply 1 unit of fuel, we could still prove assert(triangle(10) == 55) through a long series of assertions:

fn test_triangle_step_by_step() {
    assert(triangle(0) == 0);
    assert(triangle(1) == 1);
    assert(triangle(2) == 3);
    assert(triangle(3) == 6);
    assert(triangle(4) == 10);
    assert(triangle(5) == 15);
    assert(triangle(6) == 21);
    assert(triangle(7) == 28);
    assert(triangle(8) == 36);
    assert(triangle(9) == 45);
    assert(triangle(10) == 55);  // succeeds

This works because 1 unit of fuel is enough to prove assert(triangle(0) == 0), and then once we know that triangle(0) == 0, we only need to inline triangle(1) once to get:

triangle(1) = if 1 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 + triangle(0) }

Now the SMT solver can use the previously computed triangle(0) to simplify this to:

triangle(1) = if 1 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 + 0 }

and then produce triangle(1) == 1. Likewise, the SMT solver can then use 1 unit of fuel to rewrite triangle(2) in terms of triangle(1), proving triangle(2) == 3, and so on. However, it’s probably best to avoid long series of assertions if you can, and instead write a proof that makes it clear why the SMT proof fails by default (not enough fuel) and fixes exactly that problem:

fn test_triangle_assert_by() {
    assert(triangle(10) == 55) by {
        reveal_with_fuel(triangle, 11);