Integers: Nonlinear Arithmetic and Bit Manipulation

Some properties about integers are very difficult (or expensive) to reason about fully automatically. To tackle these properties, Verus offers several dedicated proof strategies.

One such property is nonlinear arithmetic, which involves equations that multiply, divide, or take the remainder of integer variables (e.g., x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z). As discussed earlier in this guide, determining the truth of such formulas is undecideable in general, meaning that general-purpose SMT solvers like Z3 can only make a best-effort attempt to solve them. These attempts rely on heuristics that can be unpredictable. Hence, by default, Verus disables Z3’s nonlinear arithmetic heuristics. When you need to prove such properties, Verus offers the two dedicated proof strategies described below. First, the integer_ring feature can reliably prove a limited subset of nonlinear properties. For properties outside that subset, Verus offers a way to invoke Z3’s nonlinear heuristics in a way that will hopefully provide better reliability.

1. Proving General Properties with Z3

To prove a nonlinear formula that cannot be solved using integer_ring feature, you can selectively turn on Z3’s nonlinear reasoning heuristics. As described below, you can do this either inline in the midst of a larger function, or in a dedicated proof function.

Inline Proofs with assert(...) by(nonlinear_arith)

To prove a nonlinear property in the midst of a larger function, you can write assert(...) by(nonlinear_arith). This creates a separate Z3 query just to prove the asserted property, and for this query, Z3 runs with its nonlinear heuristics enabled. The query does not include ambient facts (e.g., knowledge that stems from the surrounding function’s requires clause or from preceding variable assignments) other than each variable’s type invariants (e.g., the fact that a nat is non-negative). To include additional context in the query, you can specify it in a requires clause for the assert, as shown below.

proof fn bound_check(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32)
        x <= 0xffff,
        y <= 0xffff,
    assert(x * y <= 0x100000000) by (nonlinear_arith)
            x <= 0xffff,
            y <= 0xffff,
        // nonlinear_arith proof block does not have any surrounding facts by default
        // assert(z <= 0xffff);    <- Trivial, but fails since this property is not included in the `requires` clause
        assert(x * y <= 0x100000000);

Modular Proofs with proof fn ... by(nonlinear_arith)

You can also use by(nonlinear_arith) in a proof function’s signature. By including by(nonlinear_arith), the query for this function runs with nonlinear arithmetic reasoning enabled.

2. Proving Ring-based Properties with Singular

While general nonlinear formulas cannot be solved consistently, certain sub-classes of nonlinear formulas can be. For example, nonlinear formulas that consist of a series of congruence relations (i.e., equalities modulo some divisor n). As a simple example, we might like to show that a % n == b % n ==> (a * c) % n == (b * c) % n.

Verus offers a deterministic proof strategy to discharge such obligations. As shown below, to use this strategy, you must state the desired property as a proof function annotated with by(integer_ring).

Verus will then discharge the proof obligation using a dedicated algebra solver called Singular. As hinted at by the annotation, this proof technique is only complete (i.e., guaranteed to succeed) for properties that are true for all rings. Formulas that rely specifically on properties of the integers may not be solved successfully.

Using this proof technique requires a bit of additional configuration of your Verus installation.


  1. Install Singular

    • To use Singular’s standard library, you need more than just the Singular executable binary. Hence, when possible, we strongly recommend using your system’s package manager. Regardless of the method you select, please install Singular version 4.3.2: other versions are untested, and 4.4.0 is known to be incompatible with Verus. Here are some suggested steps for different platforms.
      • Mac: brew install Singular and set the VERUS_SINGULAR_PATH environment variable when running Verus. (e.g. VERUS_SINGULAR_PATH=/usr/local/bin/Singular). For more options, see Singular’s OS X installation guide.

      • Debian-based Linux: apt-get install singular and set the VERUS_SINGULAR_PATH environment variable when running Verus. (e.g. VERUS_SINGULAR_PATH=/usr/bin/Singular). For more options, see Singular’s Linux installation guide.

      • Windows: See Singular’s Windows installation guide.

  2. Compiling Verus with Singular Support

    • The integer_ring functionality is conditionally compiled when the singular feature is set. To add this feature, add the --features singular flag when you invoke vargo build to compile Verus.


  • This can be used only with int parameters.
  • Formulas that involve inequalities are not supported.
  • Division is not supported.
  • Function calls in the formulas are treated as uninterpreted functions. If a function definition is important for the proof, you should unfold the definition of the function in the proof function’s requires clause.
  • When using an integer_ring lemma, the divisor of a modulus operator (%) must not be zero. If a divisor can be zero in the ensures clause of the integer_ring lemma, the facts in the ensures clause will not be available in the callsite.

To understand what integer_ring can or cannot do, it is important to understand how it handles the modulus operator, %. Since integer_ring does not understand inequalities, it cannot perform reasoning that requires that 0 <= (a % b) < b. As a result, Singular’s results might be confusing if you think of % primarily as the programming language operator.

For example, suppose you use a % b == x as a precondition. Encoded in Singular, this will become a % b == x % b, or in more traditional “mathematical” language, a ≡ x (mod b). This does not imply that x is in the range [0, b), it only implies that a and x are in the same equivalence class mod b. In other words, a % b == x implies a ≡ x (mod b), but not vice versa.

For the same reason, you cannot ask the integer_ring solver to prove a postcondition of the form a % b == x, unless x is 0. The integer_ring solver can prove that a ≡ x (mod b), equivalently (a - x) % b == 0, but this does not imply that a % b == x.

Let’s look at a specific example to understand the limitation.

proof fn foo(a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int, x: int, y: int) by(integer_ring)
        a % b == x,
        c % d == y
        x == y,

This theorem statement appears to be trivial, and indeed, Verus would solve it easily using its default proof strategy. However, integer_ring will not solve it. On failure, Verus prints information about the Singular query, which we can inspect to understand why (this is cleaned up a bit):

ring ring_R=integer, (a, b, c, d, x, y, tmp_0, tmp_1, tmp_2), dp;
    ideal ideal_I =
      (a - (b * tmp_0)) - x,
      (c - (d * tmp_1)) - y;
    ideal ideal_G = groebner(ideal_I);
    reduce(x - y, ideal_G);

We can see here that a % b is translated to a - b * tmp_0, while c % d is translated to c - d * tmp_1. Again, since there is no constraint that a - b * tmp_0 or c - d * tmp_1 is bounded, it is not possible to conclude that a - b * tmp_0 == c - d * tmp_1 after this simplification has taken place.

3. Combining integer_ring and nonlinear_arith.

As explained above, the integer_ring feature has several limitations, it is not possible to get an arbitary nonlinear property only with the integer_ring feature. Instead, it is a common pattern to have a by(nonlinear_arith) function as a main lemma for the desired property, and use integer_ring lemma as a helper lemma.

To work around the lack of support for inequalities and division, you can often write a helper proof discharged with integer_ring and use it to prove properties that are not directly supported by integer_ring. Furthermore, you can also add additional variables to the formulas. For example, to work around division, one can introduce c where b = a * c, instead of b/a.

Example 1: integer_ring as a helper lemma to provide facts on modular arithmetic

In the lemma_mod_difference_equal function below, we have four inequalities inside the requires clauses, which cannot be encoded into integer_ring. In the ensures clause, we want to prove y % d - x % d == y - x. The helper lemma lemma_mod_difference_equal_helper simply provides that y % d - x % d is equal to (y - x) modulo d. The rest of the proof is done by by(nonlinear_arith).

pub proof fn lemma_mod_difference_equal_helper(x: int, y:int, d:int, small_x:int, small_y:int, tmp1:int, tmp2:int) by(integer_ring)
        small_x == x % d,
        small_y == y % d,
        tmp1 == (small_y - small_x) % d,
        tmp2 == (y - x) % d,
        (tmp1 - tmp2) % d == 0
pub proof fn lemma_mod_difference_equal(x: int, y: int, d: int) by(nonlinear_arith)
        d > 0,
        x <= y,
        x % d <= y % d,
        y - x < d
        y % d - x % d == y - x
    let small_x = x % d;
    let small_y = y % d;
    let tmp1 = (small_y - small_x) % d;
    let tmp2 = (y - x) % d;
    lemma_mod_difference_equal_helper(x,y,d, small_x, small_y, tmp1, tmp2);

In the lemma_mod_between function below, we want to prove that x % d <= z % d < y % d. However, integer_ring only supports equalities, so we cannot prove lemma_mod_between directly. Instead, we provide facts that can help assist the proof. The helper lemma provides 1) x % d - y % d == x - y (mod d) and 2) y % d - z % d == y - z (mod d). The rest of the proof is done via by(nonlinear_arith).

pub proof fn lemma_mod_between_helper(x: int, y: int, d: int, small_x:int, small_y:int, tmp1:int) by(integer_ring)
        small_x == x % d,
        small_y == y % d,
        tmp1 == (small_x - small_y) % d,
        (tmp1 - (x-y)) % d == 0

// note that below two facts are from the helper function, and the rest are done by `by(nonlinear_arith)`.
// x % d - y % d == x - y  (mod d)
// y % d - z % d == y - z  (mod d)
pub proof fn lemma_mod_between(d: int, x: int, y: int, z: int) by(nonlinear_arith)
        d > 0,
        x % d < y % d,
        y - x <= d,
        x <= z < y
        x % d <= z % d < y % d
    let small_x = x % d;
    let small_y = y % d;
    let small_z = z % d;
    let tmp1 = (small_x - small_z) % d;
    lemma_mod_between_helper(x,z,d, small_x, small_z, tmp1);

    let tmp2 = (small_z - small_y) % d;
    lemma_mod_between_helper(z,y,d, small_z, small_y, tmp2);    

Example 2: Proving properties on bounded integers with the help of integer_ring

Since integer_ring proofs only support int, you need to include explicit bounds when you want to prove properties about bounded integers. For example, as shown below, in order to use the proof lemma_mod_after_mul on u32s, lemma_mod_after_mul_u32 must ensure that all arguments are within the proper bounds before passing them to lemma_mod_after_mul.

If a necessary bound (e.g., m > 0) is not included, Verus will fail to verify the proof.

proof fn lemma_mod_after_mul(x: int, y: int, z: int, m: int) by (integer_ring)
    requires (x-y) % m == 0
    ensures (x*z - y*z) % m == 0

proof fn lemma_mod_after_mul_u32(x: u32, y: u32 , z: u32, m: u32)   
        m > 0,
        (x-y) % (m as int) == 0,
        x >= y,
        x <= 0xffff,
        y <= 0xffff,
        z <= 0xffff,
        m <= 0xffff,
    ensures (x*z - y*z) % (m as int) == 0
  lemma_mod_after_mul(x as int, y as int, z as int, m as int);
  // rest of proof body omitted for space

The desired property for nat can be proved similarly.

The next example is similar, but note that we introduce several additional variables(ab, bc, and abc) to help with the integer_ring proof.

pub proof fn multiple_offsed_mod_gt_0_helper(a: int, b: int, c: int, ac: int, bc: int, abc: int) by (integer_ring)
        ac == a % c,
        bc == b % c,
        abc == (a - b) % c,
    ensures (ac - bc - abc) % c == 0

pub proof fn multiple_offsed_mod_gt_0(a: nat, b: nat, c: nat) by (nonlinear_arith) 
        a > b,
        c > 0,
        b % c == 0,
        a % c > 0,
    ensures (a - b) % (c as int) > 0
      a as int, 
      b as int, 
      c as int, 
      (a % c) as int, 
      (b % c) as int, 
      ((a - b) % (c as int)) as int

More integer_ring examples can be found in this folder, and this testcase file.

Examining the encoding

Singular queries will be logged to the directory specified with --log-dir (which defaults to .verus-log) in a separate file with a .singular suffix. You can directly run Singular on this file. For example, Singular .verus-log/root.singular --q. The output is 0 when Singular successsfully verifies the query.