Preconditions (requires clauses)

Let’s start with a small example. Suppose we want to verify a function octuple that multiplies a number by 8:

fn octuple(x1: i8) -> i8 {
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    let x4 = x2 + x2;
    x4 + x4

If we ask Verus to verify this code, Verus immediately reports errors about octuple:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |     let x2 = x1 + x1;
   |              ^^^^^^^

Here, Verus cannot prove that the result of x1 + x1 fits in an 8-bit i8 value, which allows values in the range -128127. If x1 were 100, for example, x1 + x1 would be 200, which is larger than 127. We need to make sure that when octuple is called, the argument x1 is not too large. We can do this by adding preconditions (also known as “requires clauses”) to octuple specifying which values for x1 are allowed. In Verus, preconditions are written with a requires followed by zero or more boolean expressions separated by commas:

fn octuple(x1: i8) -> i8
        -64 <= x1,
        x1 < 64,
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    let x4 = x2 + x2;
    x4 + x4

The two preconditions above say that x1 must be at least -64 and less than 64, so that x1 + x1 will fit in the range -128127. This fixes the error about x1 + x1, but we still get an error about x2 + x2:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |     let x4 = x2 + x2;
   |              ^^^^^^^

If we want x1 + x1, x2 + x2, and x4 + x4 to all succeed, we need a tighter bound on x1:

fn octuple(x1: i8) -> i8
        -16 <= x1,
        x1 < 16,
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    let x4 = x2 + x2;
    x4 + x4

This time, verification is successful.

Now suppose we try to call octuple with a value that does not satisfy octuple’s precondition:

fn main() {
    let n = octuple(20);

For this call, Verus reports an error, since 20 is not less than 16:

error: precondition not satisfied
   |         x1 < 16,
   |         ------- failed precondition
   |     let n = octuple(20);
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^

If we pass 10 instead of 20, verification succeeds:

fn main() {
    let n = octuple(10);

Postconditions (ensures clauses)

Suppose we want to verify properties about the value returned from octuple. For example, we might want to assert that the value returned from octuple is 8 times as large as the argument passed to octuple. Let’s try putting an assertion in main that the result of calling octuple(10) is 80:

fn main() {
    let n = octuple(10);
    assert(n == 80);

Although octuple(10) really does return 80, Verus nevertheless reports an error:

error: assertion failed
   |     assert(n == 80);
   |            ^^^^^^^ assertion failed

The error occurs because, even though octuple multiplies its argument by 8, octuple doesn’t publicize this fact to the other functions in the program. To do this, we can add postconditions (ensures clauses) to octuple specifying some properties of octuple’s return value:

fn octuple(x1: i8) -> (x8: i8)
        -16 <= x1,
        x1 < 16,
        x8 == 8 * x1,
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    let x4 = x2 + x2;
    x4 + x4

To write a property about the return value, we need to give a name to the return value. The Verus syntax for this is -> (name: return_type). In the example above, saying -> (x8: i8) allows the postcondition x8 == 8 * x1 to use the name x8 for octuple’s return value.

Preconditions and postconditions establish a modular verification protocol between functions. When main calls octuple, Verus checks that the arguments in the call satisfy octuple’s preconditions. When Verus verifies the body of the octuple function, it can assume that the preconditions are satisfied, without having to know anything about the exact arguments passed in by main. Likewise, when Verus verifies the body of the main function, it can assume that octuple satisfies its postconditions, without having to know anything about the body of octuple. In this way, Verus can verify each function independently. This modular verification approach breaks verification into small, manageable pieces, which makes verification more efficient than if Verus tried to verify all of a program’s functions together simultaneously. Nevertheless, writing preconditions and postconditions requires significant programmer effort — if you want to verify a large program with a lot of functions, you’ll probably spend substantial time writing preconditions and postconditions for the functions.

assert and assume

While requires and ensures connect functions together, assert makes a local, private request to the SMT solver to prove a certain fact. (Note: assert(...) should not be confused with the Rust assert!(...) macro — the former is statically checked using the SMT solver, while the latter is checked at run-time.)

assert has an evil twin named assume, which asks the SMT solver to simply accept some boolean expression as a fact without proof. While assert is harmless and won’t cause any unsoundness in a proof, assume can easily enable a “proof” of a fact that isn’t true. In fact, by writing assume(false), you can prove anything you want:

assert(2 + 2 == 5); // succeeds

Verus programmers often use assert and assume to help develop and debug proofs. They may add temporary asserts to determine which facts the SMT solver can prove and which it can’t, and they may add temporary assumes to see which additional assumptions are necessary for the SMT solver to complete a proof, or as a placeholder for parts of the proof that haven’t yet been written. As the proof evolves, the programmer replaces assumes with asserts, and may eventually remove the asserts. A complete proof may contain asserts, but should not contain any assumes.

(In some situations, assert can help the SMT solver complete a proof, by giving the SMT hints about how to manipulate forall and exists expressions; see TODO. There are also special forms of assert, such as assert(...) by(bit_vector), to help prove properties about bit vectors, nonlinear integer arithmetic, forall expressions, etc. These are covered in section TODO.)

Executable code and ghost code

Let’s put everything from this section together into a final version of our example program:

use builtin::*;
use builtin_macros::*;

verus! {

fn print_two_digit_number(i: i8)
        -99 <= i < 100,
    println!("The answer is {}", i);

fn octuple(x1: i8) -> (x8: i8)
        -16 <= x1 < 16,
        x8 == 8 * x1,
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    let x4 = x2 + x2;
    x4 + x4

fn main() {
    let n = octuple(10);
    assert(n == 80);

} // verus!

Here, we’ve made a few final adjustments. First, we’ve combined the two preconditions -16 <= x1 and x1 < 16 into a single preconditon -16 <= x1 < 16, since Verus lets us chain multiple inequalities together in a single expression (equivalently, we could have also written -16 <= x1 && x1 < 16). Second, we’ve added a function print_two_digit_number to print the result of octuple. Unlike main and octuple, we ask Verus not to verify print_two_digit_number. We do this by marking it #[verifier::external_body], so that Verus pays attention to the function’s preconditions and postconditions but ignores the function’s body. This is common in projects using Verus: you may want to verify some of it (perhaps the program’s core algorithms), but leave other aspects, such as input-output operations, unverified. More generally, since verifying all the software in the world is still infeasible, there will be some boundary between verified code and unverified code, and #[verifier::external_body] can be used to mark this boundary.

We can now compile the program above using the --compile option to Verus:

./tools/ --compile rust_verify/example/guide/

This will produce an executable that prints a message when run:

The answer is 80

Note that the generated executable does not contain the requires, ensures, and assert code, since these are only needed during static verification, not during run-time execution. We refer to requires, ensures, assert, and assume as ghost code, in contast to the executable code that actually gets compiled. Verus erases all ghost code before compilation so that it imposes no run-time overhead.