Example: binary search

Let’s see how forall and exists work in a larger example. The following code searches for a value k in a sorted sequence and returns the index r where k resides.

fn binary_search(v: &Vec<u64>, k: u64) -> (r: usize)
        forall|i: int, j: int| 0 <= i <= j < v.len() ==> v[i] <= v[j],
        exists|i: int| 0 <= i < v.len() && k == v[i],
        r < v.len(),
        k == v[r as int],
    let mut i1: usize = 0;
    let mut i2: usize = v.len() - 1;
    while i1 != i2
            i2 < v.len(),
            exists|i: int| i1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i],
            forall|i: int, j: int| 0 <= i <= j < v.len() ==> v[i] <= v[j],
        let ix = i1 + (i2 - i1) / 2;
        if v[ix] < k {
            i1 = ix + 1;
        } else {
            i2 = ix;

fn main() {
    let mut v: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
    assert(v[3] == 30);  // needed to trigger exists|i: int| ... k == v[i]
    let r = binary_search(&v, 30);
    assert(r == 3);

The precondition exists|i: int| 0 <= i < v.len() && k == v[i] specifies that k is somewhere in the sequence, so that the search is guaranteed to find it. The automatically inferred trigger for this exists expression is v[i]. The main function satisfies this with the witness i = 3 so that 30 == v[3]:

assert(v[3] == 30); // needed to trigger exists|i: int| ... k == v[i]
let r = binary_search(&v, 30);

The search proceeds by keeping two indices i1 and i2 that narrow in on k from both sides, so that the index containing k remains between i1 and i2 throughout the search:

exists|i: int| i1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i]

In order for the loop to exit, the loop condition i1 != i2 must be false, which means that i1 and i2 must be equal. In this case, the i in the exists expression above must be equal to i1 and i2, so we know k == v[i1], so that we can return the result i1.

Proving that the loop invariant is maintained

In each loop iteration, we can assume that the loop invariants hold before the iteration, and we have to prove that the loop invariants hold after the iteration. Let’s look in more detail at the proof of the invariant exists|i: int| i1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i], focusing on how the SMT solver handles the forall and exists quantifiers.

The key steps are:

  • Knowing exists|i: int| ... k == v[i] gives us a witness i_witness such that k == v[i_witness].
  • The witness i_witness from the current iteration’s exists|i: int| ... serves as the witness for the next iteration’s exists|i: int| ....
  • The comparison *v.index(ix) < k tells us whether v[ix] < k or v[ix] >= k.
  • The expressions v[i_witness] and v[ix] match the trigger v[i], v[j] trigger in the expression forall|i: int, j: int| ... v[i] <= v[j].

We’ll now walk through these steps in more detail. (Feel free to skip ahead if this is too boring — as the next subsection discusses, the whole point is that the SMT solver takes care of the boring details automatically if we set things up right.)

There are two cases to consider, one where the if condition *v.index(ix) < k is true and one where *v.index(ix) < k is false. We’ll just look at the former, where v[ik] < k.

We assume the loop invariant at the beginning of the loop iteration:

exists|i: int| i1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i]

This tells us that there is some witness i_witness such that:

i1 <= i_witness <= i2 && k == v[i_witness]

In the case where *v.index(ix) < k is true, we execute i1 = ix + 1:

let ix = i1 + (i2 - i1) / 2;
if *v.index(ix) < k {
    i1 = ix + 1;
} else {

Since the new value of i1 is ix + 1, we’ll need to prove the loop invariant with ix + 1 substituted for i1:

exists|i: int| ix + 1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i]

To prove an exists expression, the SMT solver needs to match the expression’s trigger. The automatically chosen trigger for this expression is v[i], so the SMT solver looks for expressions of the form v[...]. It finds v[i_witness] from the previous loop invariant (shown above). It also finds v[ix] from the call v.index(ix) in the expression *v.index(ix) < k. Based on these, it attempts to prove ix + 1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i] with i = i_witness or i = ix:

ix + 1 <= i_witness <= i2 && k == v[i_witness]
ix + 1 <= ix <= i2 && k == v[ix]

The i = ix case is a dead end, because ix + 1 <= ix is never true. The i = i_witness case is more promising. We already know i_witness <= i2 and k == v[i_witness] from our assumptions about i_witness at the beginning of the loop iteration. We just need to prove ix + 1 <= i_witness. We can simplify this to ix < i_witness.

Proving ix < i_witness

To prove ix < i_witness, we now turn to the forall loop invariant:

forall|i: int, j: int| 0 <= i <= j < v.len() ==> v[i] <= v[j],

In order to instantiate this, the SMT solver again relies on triggers. In this forall, expression, the trigger is v[i], v[j], so again the SMT solver looks for terms of the form v[...] and finds v[i_witness] and v[ix]. There are four different possible assignments of i_witness and ix to i and j.

0 <= i_witness <= i_witness < v.len() ==> v[i_witness] <= v[i_witness]
0 <= i_witness <= ix < v.len() ==> v[i_witness] <= v[ix]
0 <= ix <= i_witness < v.len() ==> v[ix] <= v[i_witness]
0 <= ix <= ix < v.len() ==> v[ix] <= v[ix]

Out of these, the second one is most useful:

0 <= i_witness <= ix < v.len() ==> v[i_witness] <= v[ix]

We already know k == v[i_witness], so this becomes:

0 <= i_witness <= ix < v.len() ==> k <= v[ix]

The right-hand side of the ==> says k <= v[ix], which contradicts our assumption that v[ik] < k in the case where *v.index(ix) < k. This means that the left-hand side of the ==> must be false:

!(0 <= i_witness <= ix < v.len())

The SMT solver knows that 0 <= i_witness and ix < v.len(), so it narrows this down to:

!(i_witness <= ix)

This tells us that ix < i_witness, which is what we want.

Helping the automation succeed

As seen in the previous section, proving the loop invariant requires a long chain of reasoning. Fortunately, the SMT solver performs all of these steps automatically. In fact, this is a particularly fortunate example, because Verus automatically chooses the triggers as well, and these triggers happen to be just what the SMT solver needs to complete the proof.

In general, though, how we express the preconditions, postconditions, and loop invariants has a big influence on whether Verus and the SMT solver succeed automatically. Suppose, for example, that we had written the sortedness condition (in the precondition and loop invariant) as:

forall|i: int| 0 <= i < v.len() - 1 ==> #[trigger] v[i] <= v[i + 1]

instead of:

forall|i: int, j: int| 0 <= i <= j < v.len() ==> v[i] <= v[j]

As discussed in a previous section, the trigger v[i] in combination with v[i] <= v[i + 1] leads to a matching loop, which can send the SMT solver into an infinite loop. This is, in fact, exactly what happens:

error: while loop: Resource limit (rlimit) exceeded; consider rerunning with --profile for more details
    | /     while i1 != i2
    | |         invariant
    | |             i2 < v.len(),
    | |             exists|i: int| i1 <= i <= i2 && k == v[i],
    | |         }
    | |     }
    | |_____^

Even if the SMT solver had avoided the infinite loop, though, it’s hard to see how it could have succeeded automatically. As discussed above, a crucial step involves instantiating i = i_witness and j = ix to learn something about v[i_witness] <= v[ix]. This simply isn’t a possible instantiation when there’s only one variable i in the forall expression. Learning something about v[i_witness] <= v[ix] would require chaining together an arbitrarily long sequence of v[i] <= v[i + 1] steps to get from i_witness to i_witness + 1 to i_witness + 2 all the way to ix. This would require a separate proof by induction. Intuitively, the expression v[i] <= v[j] is better suited than v[i] <= v[i + 1] to an algorithm like binary search that takes large steps from one index to another, because i and j can be arbitrarily far apart, whereas i and i + 1 are only one element apart.

When the SMT automation fails, it’s often tempting to immediately start adding asserts, lemmas, proofs by induction, etc., until the proof succeeds. Given enough manual effort, we could probably finish a proof of binary search with the problematic v[i] <= v[i + 1] definition of sortedness. But this would be a mistake; it’s better to structure the definitions in a way that helps the automation succeed without so much manual effort. If you find yourself writing a long manual proof, it’s worth stepping back and figuring out why the automation is failing; maybe a change of definitions can fix the failure in the automation.

After all, if your car breaks down, it’s usually better to fix the car than to push it.