Proofs about forall and exists

The previous sections emphasized the importance of triggers for forall and exists expressions. Specifically, if you know forall|i| f(i), then the SMT solver will instantiate i by looking at triggers, and if you want to prove exists|i| f(i), then the SMT solver will look at triggers to find a witness i such that f(i) is true. In other words, using a forall expression relies on triggers and proving an exists expression relies on triggers. We can write these cases in the following table:

forallusually just works; otherwise assert-bytriggers
existstriggersusually just works; otherwise choose

What about the other two cases, proving a forall expression and using an exists expression? These cases are actually easier to automate and do not rely on triggers. In fact, they often just work automatically, as in the following examples:

spec fn is_distinct(x: int, y: int) -> bool {
    x != y

spec fn dummy(i: int) -> bool;

proof fn prove_forall()
        forall|i: int, j: int|
            #![trigger dummy(i), dummy(j)]
            is_distinct(i, j) ==> is_distinct(j, i),
    // proving the forall just works; the trigger is irrelevant

proof fn use_exists(x: int)
        exists|i: int| #![trigger dummy(i)] x == i + 1 && is_distinct(i, 5),
    // using the exists just works; the trigger is irrelevant
    assert(x != 6);

In these examples, the triggers play no role. To emphasize this, we’ve used a dummy function for the trigger that doesn’t even appear anywhere else in the examples, and the SMT solver still verifies the functions with no difficulty. (Note, though, that if you called one of the functions above, then the caller would have to prove the exists expression or use the forall expression, and the caller would have to deal with triggers.)

If you want some intuition for why the SMT solver doesn’t rely on triggers to verify the code above, you can think of the verification as being similar to the verification of the following code, where the quantifiers are eliminated and the quantified variables are hoisted into the function parameters:

proof fn hoisted_forall(i: int, j: int)
        is_distinct(i, j) ==> is_distinct(j, i),

proof fn hosted_exists(x: int, i: int)
        x == i + 1 && is_distinct(i, 5),
    assert(x != 6);

Proving forall with assert-by

Sometimes a proof doesn’t “just work” like it does in the simple examples above. For example, the proof might rely on a lemma that is proved by induction, which the SMT solver cannot prove completely automatically. Suppose we have a lemma that proves f(i) for any even i:

spec fn f(i: int) -> bool { ... }

proof fn lemma_even_f(i: int)
{ ... }

Now suppose we want to prove that f(i) is true for all even i:

proof fn test_even_f()
        forall|i: int| is_even(i) ==> f(i), // FAILS because we don't call the lemma

The proof above fails because it doesn’t call lemma_even_f. If we try to call lemma_even_f, though, we immediately run into a problem: we need to pass i as an argument to the lemma, but i isn’t in scope:

proof fn test_even_f()
        forall|i: int| is_even(i) ==> f(i),
    lemma_even_f(i); // ERROR: i is not in scope here

To deal with this, Verus supports a special form of assert ... by for proving forall expressions:

proof fn test_even_f()
        forall|i: int| is_even(i) ==> f(i),
    assert forall|i: int| is_even(i) implies f(i) by {
        // First, i is in scope here
        // Second, we assume is_even(i) here
        // Finally, we have to prove f(i) here

Inside the body of the assert ... by, the variables of the forall are in scope and the left-hand side of the ==> is assumed. This allows the body to call lemma_even_f(i).

Using exists with choose

The example above needed to bring a forall quantifier variable into scope in order to call a lemma. A similar situation can arise for exists quantifier variables. Suppose we have the following lemma to prove f(i):

spec fn g(i: int, j: int) -> bool { ... }

proof fn lemma_g_proves_f(i: int, j: int)
        g(i, j),
{ ... }

If we know that there exists some j such that g(i, j) is true, we should be able to call lemma_g_proves_f. However, we run into the problem that j isn’t in scope:

proof fn test_g_proves_f(i: int)
        exists|j: int| g(i, j),
    lemma_g_proves_f(i, j); // ERROR: j is not in scope here

In this situation, we can use choose (discussed in the previous section) to extract the value j from the exists expression:

proof fn test_g_proves_f(i: int)
        exists|j: int| g(i, j),
    lemma_g_proves_f(i, choose|j: int| g(i, j));