Passing functions as values

In Rust, functions may be passed by value using the FnOnce, FnMut, and Fn traits. Just like for normal functions, Verus supports reasoning about the preconditions and postconditions of such functions.

Reasoning about preconditions and postconditions

Verus allows you to reason about the preconditions and postconditions of function values via two builtin spec functions: call_requires and call_ensures.

  • call_requires(f, args) represents the precondition. It takes two arguments: the function object and arguments as a tuple. If it returns true, then it is possible to call f with the given args.
  • call_ensures(f, args, output) represents the postcondition. It takes takes three arguments: the function object, arguments, and return vaue. It represents the valid input-output pairs for f.

The vstd library also provides aliases, f.requires(args) and f.ensures(args, output). These mean the same thing as call_requires and call_ensures.

As with any normal call, Verus demands that the precondition be satisfied when you call a function object. This is demonstrated by the following example:

    fn double(x: u8) -> (res: u8)
            0 <= x < 128,
            res == 2 * x,
        2 * x

    fn higher_order_fn(f: impl Fn(u8) -> u8) -> (res: u8) {

    fn test() {

As we can see, test calls higher_order_fn, passing in double. The higher_order_fn then calls the argument with 50. This should be allowed, according to the requires clause of double; however, higher_order_fn does not have the information to know this is correct. Verus gives an error:

error: Call to non-static function fails to satisfy `callee.requires(args)`
25 |     f(50)
   |     ^^^^^

To fix this, we can add a precondition to higher_order_fn that gives information on the precondition of f:

    fn double(x: u8) -> (res: u8)
            0 <= x < 128,
            res == 2 * x,
        2 * x

    fn higher_order_fn(f: impl Fn(u8) -> u8) -> (res: u8)
            call_requires(f, (50,)),

    fn test() {

The (50,) looks a little funky. This is a 1-tuple. The call_requires and call_ensures always take tuple arguments for the “args”. If f takes 0 arguments, then call_requires takes a unit tuple; if f takes 2 arguments, then it takes a pair; etc. Here, f takes 1 argument, so it takes a 1-tuple, which can be constructed by using the trailing comma, as in (50,).

Verus now accepts this code, as the precondition of higher_order_fn now guarantees that f accepts the input of 50.

We can go further and allow higher_order_fn to reason about the output value of f:

    fn double(x: u8) -> (res: u8)
            0 <= x < 128,
            res == 2 * x,
        2 * x

    fn higher_order_fn(f: impl Fn(u8) -> u8) -> (res: u8)
            call_requires(f, (50,)),
            forall|x, y| call_ensures(f, x, y) ==> y % 2 == 0,
            res % 2 == 0,
        let ret = f(50);
        return ret;

    fn test() {

Observe that the precondition of higher_order_fn places a constraint on the postcondition of f. As a result, higher_order_fn learns information about the return value of f(50). Specifically, it learns that call_ensures(f, (50,), ret) holds, which by higher_order_fn’s precondition, implies that ret % 2 == 0.

An important note

The above examples show the idiomatic way to constrain the preconditions and postconditions of a function argument. Observe that call_requires is used in a positive position, i.e., “call_requires holds for this value”. Meanwhile call_ensures is used in a negative position, i.e., on the left hand side of an implication: “if call_ensures holds for a given value, this is satisfies this particular constraint”.

It is very common to need a guarantee that f(args) will return one specific value, say expected_return_value. In this situation, it can be tempting to write,

requires call_ensures(f, args, expected_return_value),

as your constraint. However, this is almost never what you actually want, and in fact, Verus may not even let you prove it. The proposition call_ensures(f, args, expected_return_value) says that expected_return_value is a possible return value of f(args); however, it says nothing about other possible return values. In general, f may be deterministic! Just because expected_return_value is one possible return value does not mean it is only one.

When faced with this situation, what you really want is to write:

requires forall |ret| call_ensures(f, args, ret) ==> ret == expected_return_value

This is the proposition that you really want, i.e., “if f(args) returns a value ret, then that value is equal to expected_return_value”.

Of course, this is flipped around when you write a postcondition, as we’ll see in the next example.

Example: vec_map

Let’s take what we learned and write a simple function, vec_map, which applies a given function to each element of a vector and returns a new vector.

The key challenge is to determine the right specfication to use.

The signature we want is:

fn vec_map<T, U>(v: &Vec<T>, f: impl Fn(T) -> U) -> (result: Vec<U>) where
    T: Copy,

First, what do we need to require? We need to require that it’s okay to call f with any element of the vector as input.

            0 <= i < v.len() ==> call_requires(

Next, what ought we to ensure? Naturally, we want the returned vector to have the same length as the input. Furthermore, we want to guarantee that any element in the output vector is a possible output when the provided function f is called on the corresponding element from the input vector.

        result.len() == v.len(),
            0 <= i < v.len() ==> call_ensures(
                #[trigger] result[i],

Now that we have a specification, the implementation and loop invariant should fall into place:

fn vec_map<T, U>(v: &Vec<T>, f: impl Fn(T) -> U) -> (result: Vec<U>) where
    T: Copy,

            0 <= i < v.len() ==> call_requires(
        result.len() == v.len(),
            0 <= i < v.len() ==> call_ensures(
                #[trigger] result[i],
    let mut result = Vec::new();
    let mut j = 0;
    while j < v.len()
            forall|i| 0 <= i < v.len() ==> call_requires(f, (v[i],)),
            0 <= j <= v.len(),
            j == result.len(),
            forall|i| 0 <= i < j ==> call_ensures(f, (v[i],), #[trigger] result[i]),
        j += 1;

Finally, we can try it out with an example:

fn double(x: u8) -> (res: u8)
        0 <= x < 128,
        res == 2 * x,
    2 * x

fn test_vec_map() {
    let mut v = Vec::new();
    let w = vec_map(&v, double);
    assert(w[2] == 40);


In this chapter, we learned how to write higher-order functions with higher-order specifications, i.e., specifications that constrain the specifications of functions that are passed around as values.

All of the examples from this chapter passed functions by referring to them directly by name, e.g., passing the function double by writing double. In Rust, a more common way to work with higher-order functions is to pass closures. In the next chapter, we’ll learn how to use closures.