spec functions

Let’s start with a simple spec function that computes the minimum of two integers:

spec fn min(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    if x <= y {
    } else {

fn test() {
    assert(min(10, 20) == 10); // succeeds
    assert(min(100, 200) == 100); // succeeds

Unlike exec functions, the bodies of spec functions are visible to other functions in the same module, so the test function can see inside the min function, which allows the assertions in test to succeed.

Across modules, the bodies of spec functions can be made public to other modules or kept private to the current module. The body is public if the function is marked open, allowing assertions about the function’s body to succeed in other modules:

mod M1 {
    use builtin::*;

    pub open spec fn min(x: int, y: int) -> int {
        if x <= y {
        } else {

mod M2 {
    use builtin::*;
    use crate::M1::*;

    fn test() {
        assert(min(10, 20) == 10); // succeeds

By contrast, if the function is marked closed, then other modules cannot see the function’s body, even if they can see the function’s declaration. By contrast, functions within the same module can view a closed spec fn’s body. In other words, pub makes the declaration public, while open and closed make the body public or private. All pub spec functions must be marked either open or closed; Verus will complain if the function lacks this annotation.

mod M1 {
    use builtin::*;

    pub closed spec fn min(x: int, y: int) -> int {
        if x <= y {
        } else {

    pub proof fn lemma_min(x: int, y: int)
            min(x,y) <= x && min(x,y) <= y,

mod M2 {
    use builtin::*;
    use crate::M1::*;

    fn test() {
        assert(min(10, 20) == min(10, 20)); // succeeds
        assert(min(10, 20) == 10); // FAILS
        proof {
        assert(min(10, 20) <= 10); // succeeds

In the example above with min being closed, the module M2 can still talk about the function min, proving, for example, that min(10, 20) equals itself (because everything equals itself, regardless of what’s in it’s body). On the other hand, the assertion that min(10, 20) == 10 fails, because M2 cannot see min’s body and therefore doesn’t know that min computes the minimum of two numbers:

error: assertion failed
   |         assert(min(10, 20) == 10); // FAILS
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assertion failed

After the call to lemma_min, the assertion that min(10, 20) <= 10 succeeds because lemma_min exposes min(x,y) <= x as a post-condition. lemma_min can prove because this postcondition because it can see the body of min despite min being closed, as lemma_min and min are in the same module.

You can think of pub open spec functions as defining abbreviations and pub closed spec functions as defining abstractions. Both can be useful, depending on the situation.

spec functions may be called from other spec functions and from specifications inside exec functions, such as preconditions and postconditions. For example, we can define the minimum of three numbers, min3, in terms of the mininum of two numbers. We can then define an exec function, compute_min3, that uses imperative code with mutable updates to compute the minimum of 3 numbers, and defines its postcondition in terms of the spec function min3:

spec fn min(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    if x <= y {
    } else {

spec fn min3(x: int, y: int, z: int) -> int {
    min(x, min(y, z))

fn compute_min3(x: u64, y: u64, z: u64) -> (m: u64)
        m == min3(x as int, y as int, z as int),
    let mut m = x;
    if y < m {
        m = y;
    if z < m {
        m = z;

fn test() {
    let m = compute_min3(10, 20, 30);
    assert(m == 10);

The difference between min3 and compute_min3 highlights some differences between spec code and exec code. While exec code may use imperative language features like mutation, spec code is restricted to purely functional mathematical code. On the other hand, spec code is allowed to use int and nat, while exec code is restricted to compilable types like u64.