Quantifier Profiling

Sometimes the verification of a Verus function will time out, meaning that the solver couldn’t determine whether all of the proof obligations have been satisfied. Or verification might succeed but take longer than we would like. One common cause for both of these phenomena is quantifiers. If quantifiers (and their associated triggers) are written too liberally (i.e., they trigger too often), then the SMT solver may generate too many facts to sort through efficiently. To determine if this is the case for your Verus code, you can use the built-in quantifier profiler.

As a concrete example, suppose we have the following three functions defined:

spec fn f(x: nat, y: nat) -> bool;

spec fn g(x: nat) -> bool;

spec fn h(x: nat, y: nat) -> bool;

and we use them in the following proof code:

proof fn trigger_forever2()
        forall|x: nat| g(x),
        forall|x: nat, y: nat| h(x, y) == f(x, y),
        forall|x: nat, y: nat| f(x + 1, 2 * y) && f(2 * x, y + x) || f(y, x) ==> #[trigger] f(x, y),
        forall|x: nat, y: nat| x > 2318 && y < 100 ==> h(x, y),

Notice that we have three quantifiers in the requires clause; the first will trigger on g(x), which will be useful for proving the assertion about g(4). The second quantifier triggers on both f(x, y) and h(x, y) and says that they’re equal. The last quantifier is manually triggered on f(x, y), but it then introduces two more expressions that have a similar shape, namely f(x + 1, 2 * y) and f(2 * x, y + x). Each of these has new arguments to f, so this will cause quantifier 3 to trigger again, creating an infinite cycle of instantations. Notice that each such instantiation will also cause quantifier 2 to trigger as well.

If we run Verus on this example, it will quickly time out. When this happens, you can run Verus with the --profile option to launch the profiler. We strongly recommend combining that option with --rlimit 1, so that you don’t generate too much profiling data (the more you generate, the longer the analysis takes). With --profile, if verification times out, the profiler automatically launches. If you want to profile a function that is verifying successfully but slowly, you can use the --profile-all option. You may want to combine this with the --verify-function option to target the function you’re interested in.

If we run the profiler on the example above, we’ll see something along the lines of:

error: function body check: Resource limit (rlimit) exceeded
  --> rust_verify/example/trigger_loops.rs:64:1
64 | fn trigger_forever2() {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Analyzing prover log...
[00:00:39] ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 1153/1153K lines
... analysis complete

note: Observed 27,184 total instantiations of user-level quantifiers

note: Cost * Instantiations: 5391549700 (Instantiated 13,591 times - 49% of the total, cost 396700) top 1 of 3 user-level quantifiers.
  --> rust_verify/example/trigger_loops.rs:68:78
68 |    forall|x: nat, y: nat| f(x + 1, 2 * y) && f(2 * x, y + x) || f(y, x) ==> #[trigger] f(x, y),
   |    -------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Triggers selected for this quantifier

note: Cost * Instantiations: 1037237938 (Instantiated 13,591 times - 49% of the total, cost 76318) top 2 of 3 user-level quantifiers.
  --> rust_verify/example/trigger_loops.rs:67:28
67 |    forall|x: nat, y: nat| h(x, y) == f(x, y),
   |    -----------------------^^^^^^^----^^^^^^^ Triggers selected for this quantifier

note: Cost * Instantiations: 16 (Instantiated 2 times - 0% of the total, cost 8) top 3 of 3 user-level quantifiers.
  --> rust_verify/example/trigger_loops.rs:66:20
66 |    forall|x: nat| g(x),
   |    ---------------^^^^ Triggers selected for this quantifier

error: aborting due to previous error

The profiler measures two aspects of quantifier performance. First, it collects a basic count of how many times each quantifier is instantiated. Second, it attempts to calculate a “cost” for each quantifier. The cost of a quantifier is the sum of cost of its instantiations. The cost of an instantiation i is roughly 1 + sum_{(i, n) \in edges} cost(n) / in-degree(n) where each n is an instantiation caused by instantiation i. In other words, instantiation i produced a term that caused the solver to create another instantiation (of the same or a different quantifier) n. This heuristic attempts to place more weight on quantifiers whose instantiations themselves cause other expensive instantiations. By default, the profiler will sort by the product of these two metrics.

In the example above, we see that the top quantifier is quantifer 3 in the Verus code, which is indeed the troublemaker. The use of the cost metric elevates it above quantifier 2, which had the same number of instantiations but is really an “innocent bystander” in this scenario. And both of these quantifiers are instantiated vastly more than quantifier 3, indicating that quantifier 3 is not the source of the problem. If all of the quantifiers have a small number of instantiations, that may be a sign that quantifier instantiation is not the underlying source of the solver’s poor performance.