Integer types

Rust supports various fixed-bit-width integer types:

  • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize
  • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize

To these, Verus adds two more integer types to represent arbitrarily large integers in specifications:

  • int
  • nat

The type int is the most fundamental type for reasoning about integer arithmetic in Verus. It represents all mathematical integers, both positive and negative. The SMT solver contains direct support for reasoning about values of type int.

Internally, Verus uses int to represent the other integer types, adding mathematical constraints to limit the range of the integers. For example, a value of the type nat of natural numbers is a mathematical integer constrained to be greater than or equal to 0. Rust’s fixed-bit-width integer types have both a lower and upper bound; a u8 value is an integer constrained to be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 256:

fn test_u8(u: u8) {
    assert(0 <= u < 256);

(The bounds of usize and isize are platform dependent. By default, Verus assumes that these types may be either 32 bits or 64 bits wide, but this can be configured with the directive:

global size_of usize == 8;

(This would set the size of usize to 8 bytes, and add a static assertion to check it matches the target.)

Using integer types in specifications

Since there are 14 different integer types (counting int, nat, u8usize, and i8isize), it’s not always obvious which type to use when writing a specification. Our advice is to be as general as possible by default:

  • Use int by default, since this is the most general type and is supported most efficiently by the SMT solver.
    • Example: the Verus sequence library uses int for most operations, such as indexing into a sequence.
    • Note: as discussed below, most arithmetic operations in specifications produce values of type int, so it is usually most convenient to write specifications in terms of int.
  • Use nat for return values and datatype fields where the 0 lower bound is likely to provide useful information, such as lengths of sequences.
    • Example: the Verus Seq::len() function returns a nat to represent the length of a sequence.
    • The type nat is also handy for proving that recursive definitions terminate; you might to define a recursive factorial function to take a parameter of type nat, if you don’t want to provide a definition of factorial for negative integers.
  • Use fixed-width integer types for fixed-with values such as bytes.
    • Example: the bytes of a network packet can be represented with type Seq<u8>, an arbitrary-length sequence of 8-bit values.

Note that int and nat are usable only in ghost code; they cannot be compiled to executable code. For example, the following will not work:

fn main() {
    let i: int = 5; // FAILS: executable variable `i` cannot have type `int`, which is ghost-only

Integer constants

As in ordinary Rust, integer constants in Verus can include their type as a suffix (e.g. 7u8 or 7u32 or 7int) to precisely specify the type of the constant:

fn test_consts() {
    let u: u8 = 1u8;
        let i: int = 2int;
        let n: nat = 3nat;
        0int <= u < i < n < 4int

Usually, but not always, Verus and Rust will be able to infer types for integer constants, so that you can omit the suffixes unless the Rust type checker complains about not being able to infer the type:

fn test_consts_infer() {
    let u: u8 = 1;
        let i: int = 2;
        let n: nat = 3;
        0 <= u < i < n < 4

Note that the values 0, u, i, n, and 4 in the expression 0 <= u < i < n < 4 are allowed to all have different types — you can use <=, <, >=, >, ==, and != to compare values of different integer types inside ghost code (e.g. comparing a u8 to an int in u < i).

Constants with the suffix int and nat can be arbitrarily large:

fn test_consts_large() {
        let i: int = 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000int;
        let j: int = i + i;
        j == 2 * i

Integer coercions using “as”

As in ordinary rust, the as operator coerces one integer type to another. In ghost code, you can use as int or as nat to coerce to int or nat:

fn test_coerce() {
    let u: u8 = 1;
        let i: int = u as int;
        let n: nat = u as nat;
        u == i && u == n

You can use as to coerce a value v to a type t even if v is too small or too large to fit in t. However, if the value v is outside the bounds of type t, then the expression v as t will produce some arbitrary value of type t:

fn test_coerce_fail() {
    let v: u16 = 257;
    let u: u8 = v as u8;
    assert(u == v); // FAILS, because u has type u8 and therefore cannot be equal to 257

This produces an error for the assertion, along with a hint that the value in the as coercion might have been out of range:

error: assertion failed
   |     assert(u == v); // FAILS, because u has type u8 and therefore cannot be equal to 257
   |            ^^^^^^ assertion failed

note: recommendation not met: value may be out of range of the target type (use `#[verifier::truncate]` on the cast to silence this warning)
   |     let u: u8 = v as u8;
   |                 ^

Integer arithmetic

Integer arithmetic behaves differently in ghost code than in executable code. In particular, in ghost code, the +, -, and * operations generate results of type int, so that the arithmetic operations cannot underflow or overflow. For example, in the following code, the executable operation let sum1: u8 = x + y might overflow, producing a value greater than 255 that does not fit inside the result value of type u8:

fn test_sum(x: u8, y: u8) {
    let sum1: u8 = x + y; // FAILS: possible overflow

For overflows in executable code, Verus reports an error:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |     let sum1: u8 = x + y; // FAILS: possible overflow
   |                    ^^^^^

By contrast, the ghost operation let sum2: int = x + y will produce a value of type int in the range 0510, even though the inputs x and y have type u8:

fn test_sum2(x: u8, y: u8) {
        let sum2: int = x + y;  // in ghost code, + returns int and does not overflow
        0 <= sum2 < 511

Since + does not overflow in ghost code, we can easily write specifications about overflow. For example, to make sure that the executable x + y doesn’t overflow, we simply write requires x + y < 256, relying on the fact that x + y is widened to type int in the requires clause:

fn test_sum3(x: u8, y: u8)
        x + y < 256,  // make sure "let sum1: u8 = x + y" can't overflow
    let sum1: u8 = x + y;  // succeeds

Also note that the inputs need not have the same type; you can add, subtract, or multiply one integer type with another:

fn test_sum_mixed(x: u8, y: u16) {
    assert(x + y >= y);  // x + y has type int, so the assertion succeeds
    assert(x - y <= x);  // x - y has type int, so the assertion succeeds

If you don’t want to widen the results of addition, subtraction, or multiplication to type int, Verus also includes functions add(a, b), sub(a, b), and mul(a, b) that return the input type (both a and b must have the same type), returning an arbitrary value of that type in case of overflow or underflow:

fn test_sum_add_sub(x: u8, y: u8) {
    assert(add(x, y) >= y); // FAILS: add(x, y) has type u8, so addition might overflow
    assert(sub(x, y) <= x); // FAILS: sub(x, y) has type u8, so subtraction might underflow

The following table summarizes the types of integer operations in ghost code:

operationleft-hand side typeright-hand side typeresult typenotes
+t1t2intexcept for nat + nat
*t1t2intexcept for nat * nat
/ttintfor i8…isize, int
/tttfor u8…usize, nat
add(_, _)ttt
sub(_, _)ttt
mul(_, _)ttt
bitwise opttt

Note that for convenience, addition and multiplication on two nat values return nat, not int, so that for n of type nat, you can write n + 1 to get a nat without having to write add(n, 1) or (n + 1) as nat.

Finally, note that in ghost code, / and % compute Euclidean division and remainder, rather than Rust’s truncating division and remainder, when operating on negative left-hand sides or negative right-hand sides.