Verus Syntax

The code below illustrates a large swath of Verus’ syntax.

use builtin::*;
use builtin_macros::*;
use vstd::{modes::*, prelude::*, seq::*, *};

fn main() {}

verus! {

/// functions may be declared exec (default), proof, or spec, which contain
/// exec code, proof code, and spec code, respectively.
///   - exec code: compiled, may have requires/ensures
///   - proof code: erased before compilation, may have requires/ensures
///   - spec code: erased before compilation, no requires/ensures, but may have recommends
/// exec and proof functions may name their return values inside parentheses, before the return type
fn my_exec_fun(x: u32, y: u32) -> (sum: u32)
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
        sum < 200,
    x + y

proof fn my_proof_fun(x: int, y: int) -> (sum: int)
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
        sum < 200,
    x + y

spec fn my_spec_fun(x: int, y: int) -> int
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
    x + y

/// exec code cannot directly call proof functions or spec functions.
/// However, exec code can contain proof blocks (proof { ... }),
/// which contain proof code.
/// This proof code can call proof functions and spec functions.
fn test_my_funs(x: u32, y: u32)
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
    // my_proof_fun(x, y); // not allowed in exec code
    // let u = my_spec_fun(x, y); // not allowed exec code
    proof {
        let u = my_spec_fun(x as int, y as int);  // allowed in proof code
        my_proof_fun(u / 2, y as int);  // allowed in proof code

/// spec functions with pub or pub(...) must specify whether the body of the function
/// should also be made publicly visible (open function) or not visible (closed function).
pub open spec fn my_pub_spec_fun1(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    // function and body visible to all
    x / 2 + y / 2

pub open(crate) spec fn my_pub_spec_fun2(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
    // function visible to all, body visible to crate
    x / 2 + y / 2

// TODO(main_new) pub(crate) is not being handled correctly
// pub(crate) open spec fn my_pub_spec_fun3(x: int, y: int) -> int {
//     // function and body visible to crate
//     x / 2 + y / 2
// }
pub closed spec fn my_pub_spec_fun4(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    // function visible to all, body visible to module
    x / 2 + y / 2

pub(crate) closed spec fn my_pub_spec_fun5(x: int, y: int) -> int {
    // function visible to crate, body visible to module
    x / 2 + y / 2

/// Recursive functions must have decreases clauses so that Verus can verify that the functions
/// terminate.
fn test_rec(x: u64, y: u64)
        0 < x < 100,
        y < 100 - x,
    decreases x,
    if x > 1 {
        test_rec(x - 1, y + 1);

/// Multiple decreases clauses are ordered lexicographically, so that later clauses may
/// increase when earlier clauses decrease.
spec fn test_rec2(x: int, y: int) -> int
    decreases x, y,
    if y > 0 {
        1 + test_rec2(x, y - 1)
    } else if x > 0 {
        2 + test_rec2(x - 1, 100)
    } else {

/// Decreases and recommends may specify additional clauses:
///   - decreases .. "when" restricts the function definition to a condition
///     that makes the function terminate
///   - decreases .. "via" specifies a proof function that proves the termination
///   - recommends .. "when" specifies a proof function that proves the
///     recommendations of the functions invoked in the body
spec fn add0(a: nat, b: nat) -> nat
        a > 0,
    via add0_recommends
    a + b

spec fn dec0(a: int) -> int
    decreases a,
    when a > 0
    via dec0_decreases
    if a > 0 {
        dec0(a - 1)
    } else {

proof fn add0_recommends(a: nat, b: nat) {
    // proof

proof fn dec0_decreases(a: int) {
    // proof

/// variables may be exec, tracked, or ghost
///   - exec: compiled
///   - tracked: erased before compilation, checked for lifetimes (advanced feature, discussed later)
///   - ghost: erased before compilation, no lifetime checking, can create default value of any type
/// Different variable modes may be used in different code modes:
///   - variables in exec code are always exec
///   - variables in proof code are ghost by default (tracked variables must be marked "tracked")
///   - variables in spec code are always ghost
/// For example:
fn test_my_funs2(
    a: u32,  // exec variable
    b: u32,  // exec variable
        a < 100,
        b < 100,
    let s = a + b;  // s is an exec variable
    proof {
        let u = a + b;  // u is a ghost variable
        my_proof_fun(u / 2, b as int);  // my_proof_fun(x, y) takes ghost parameters x and y

/// assume and assert are treated as proof code even outside of proof blocks.
/// "assert by" may be used to provide proof code that proves the assertion.
spec fn f1(i: int) -> int {
    i + 1

fn assert_by_test() {
    assert(f1(3) > 3) by {
        reveal(f1);  // reveal f1's definition just inside this block
    assert(f1(3) > 3);

/// "assert by" can also invoke specialized provers for bit-vector reasoning or nonlinear arithmetic.
fn assert_by_provers(x: u32) {
    assert(x ^ x == 0u32) by (bit_vector);
    assert(2 <= x && x < 10 ==> x * x > x) by (nonlinear_arith);

/// "assert by" provers can also appear on function signatures to select a specific prover
/// for the function body.
proof fn lemma_mul_upper_bound(x: int, x_bound: int, y: int, y_bound: int)
    by (nonlinear_arith)
        x <= x_bound,
        y <= y_bound,
        0 <= x,
        0 <= y,
        x * y <= x_bound * y_bound,

/// "assert by" can use nonlinear_arith with proof code,
/// where "requires" clauses selectively make facts available to the proof code.
proof fn test5_bound_checking(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32)
        x <= 0xffff,
        y <= 0xffff,
        z <= 0xffff,
    assert(x * z == mul(x, z)) by (nonlinear_arith)
            x <= 0xffff,
            z <= 0xffff,
        assert(0 <= x * z);
        assert(x * z <= 0xffff * 0xffff);

/// The syntax for forall and exists quantifiers is based on closures:
fn test_quantifier() {
    assert(forall|x: int, y: int| 0 <= x < 100 && 0 <= y < 100 ==> my_spec_fun(x, y) >= x);
    assert(my_spec_fun(10, 20) == 30);
    assert(exists|x: int, y: int| my_spec_fun(x, y) == 30);

/// "assert forall by" may be used to prove foralls:
fn test_assert_forall_by() {
    assert forall|x: int, y: int| f1(x) + f1(y) == x + y + 2 by {
    assert(f1(1) + f1(2) == 5);
    assert(f1(3) + f1(4) == 9);
    // to prove forall|...| P ==> Q, write assert forall|...| P implies Q by {...}
    assert forall|x: int| x < 10 implies f1(x) < 11 by {
        assert(x < 10);
        assert(f1(x) < 11);
    assert(f1(3) < 11);

/// To extract ghost witness values from exists, use choose:
fn test_choose() {
    assume(exists|x: int| f1(x) == 10);
    proof {
        let x_witness = choose|x: int| f1(x) == 10;
        assert(f1(x_witness) == 10);
    assume(exists|x: int, y: int| f1(x) + f1(y) == 30);
    proof {
        let (x_witness, y_witness): (int, int) = choose|x: int, y: int| f1(x) + f1(y) == 30;
        assert(f1(x_witness) + f1(y_witness) == 30);

/// To manually specify a trigger to use for the SMT solver to match on when instantiating a forall
/// or proving an exists, use #[trigger]:
fn test_single_trigger1() {
    // Use [my_spec_fun(x, y)] as the trigger
    assume(forall|x: int, y: int| f1(x) < 100 && f1(y) < 100 ==> #[trigger] my_spec_fun(x, y) >= x);

fn test_single_trigger2() {
    // Use [f1(x), f1(y)] as the trigger
    assume(forall|x: int, y: int| #[trigger]
        f1(x) < 100 && #[trigger] f1(y) < 100 ==> my_spec_fun(x, y) >= x);

/// To manually specify multiple triggers, use #![trigger]:
fn test_multiple_triggers() {
    // Use both [my_spec_fun(x, y)] and [f1(x), f1(y)] as triggers
    assume(forall|x: int, y: int|
        #![trigger my_spec_fun(x, y)]
        #![trigger f1(x), f1(y)]
        f1(x) < 100 && f1(y) < 100 ==> my_spec_fun(x, y) >= x);

/// Verus can often automatically choose a trigger if no manual trigger is given.
/// Use the command-line option --triggers to print the chosen triggers.
fn test_auto_trigger1() {
    // Verus automatically chose [my_spec_fun(x, y)] as the trigger.
    // (It considers this safer, i.e. likely to match less often, than the trigger [f1(x), f1(y)].)
    assume(forall|x: int, y: int| f1(x) < 100 && f1(y) < 100 ==> my_spec_fun(x, y) >= x);

/// If Verus prints a note saying that it automatically chose a trigger with low confidence,
/// you can supply manual triggers or use #![auto] to accept the automatically chosen trigger.
fn test_auto_trigger2() {
    // Verus chose [f1(x), f1(y)] as the trigger; go ahead and accept that
    assume(forall|x: int, y: int| #![auto] f1(x) < 100 && f1(y) < 100 ==> my_spec_fun(3, y) >= 3);

/// &&& and ||| are like && and ||, but have low precedence (lower than all other binary operators,
/// and lower than forall/exists/choose).
/// &&& must appear before each conjunct, rather than between the conjuncts (similarly for |||).
/// &&& must appear directly inside a block or at the end of a block.
spec fn simple_conjuncts(x: int, y: int) -> bool {
    &&& 1 < x
    &&& y > 9 ==> x + y < 50
    &&& x < 100
    &&& y < 100

spec fn complex_conjuncts(x: int, y: int) -> bool {
    let b = x < y;
    &&& b
    &&& if false {
        &&& b ==> b
        &&& !b ==> !b
    } else {
        ||| b ==> b
        ||| !b
    &&& false ==> true

/// ==> associates to the right, while <== associates to the left.
/// <==> is nonassociative.
/// == is SMT equality.
/// != is SMT disequality.
pub(crate) proof fn binary_ops<A>(a: A, x: int) {
    assert(false ==> true);
    assert(true && false ==> false && false);
    assert(!(true && (false ==> false) && false));
    assert(false ==> false ==> false);
    assert(false ==> (false ==> false));
    assert(!((false ==> false) ==> false));
    assert(false <== false <== false);
    assert(!(false <== (false <== false)));
    assert((false <== false) <== false);
    assert(2 + 2 !== 3);
    assert(a == a);
    assert(false <==> true && false);

/// In specs, <=, <, >=, and > may be chained together so that, for example, a <= b < c means
/// a <= b && b < c.  (Note on efficiency: if b is a complex expression,
/// Verus will automatically introduce a temporary variable under the hood so that
/// the expression doesn't duplicate b: {let x_b = b; a <= x_b && x_b < c}.)
proof fn chained_comparisons(i: int, j: int, k: int)
        0 <= i + 1 <= j + 10 < k + 7,
        j < k,

/// In specs, e@ is an abbreviation for e.view()
/// Many types implement a view() method to get an abstract ghost view of a concrete type.
fn test_views() {
    let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    proof {
        let s: Seq<u8> = v@;  // v@ is equivalent to v.view()
        assert(s[0] == 10);
        assert(s[1] == 20);

/// struct and enum declarations may be declared exec (default), tracked, or ghost,
/// and fields may be declared exec (default), tracked or ghost.
tracked struct TrackedAndGhost<T, G>(tracked T, ghost G);

/// Proof code may manipulate tracked variables directly.
/// Declarations of tracked variables must be explicitly marked as "tracked".
proof fn consume(tracked x: int) {

proof fn test_tracked(
    tracked w: int,
    tracked x: int,
    tracked y: int,
    z: int,
) -> tracked TrackedAndGhost<(int, int), int> {
    let tracked tag: TrackedAndGhost<(int, int), int> = TrackedAndGhost((x, y), z);
    let tracked TrackedAndGhost((a, b), c) = tag;
    TrackedAndGhost((a, b), c)

/// Variables in exec code may be exec, ghost, or tracked.
fn test_ghost(x: u32, y: u32)
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
    let ghost u: int = my_spec_fun(x as int, y as int);
    let ghost mut v = u + 1;
    assert(v == x + y + 1);
    proof {
        v = v + 1;  // proof code may assign to ghost mut variables
    let ghost w = {
        let temp = v + 1;
        temp + 1
    assert(w == x + y + 4);

/// Variables in exec code may be exec, ghost, or tracked.
/// However, exec function parameters and return values are always exec.
/// In these places, the library types Ghost and Tracked are used
/// to wrap ghost values and tracked values.
/// Ghost and tracked expressions Ghost(expr) and Tracked(expr) create values of type Ghost<T>
/// and Tracked<T>, where expr is treated as proof code whose value is wrapped inside Ghost or Tracked.
/// The view x@ of a Ghost or Tracked x is the ghost or tracked value inside the Ghost or Tracked.
fn test_ghost_wrappers(x: u32, y: Ghost<u32>)
        x < 100,
        y@ < 100,
    // Ghost(...) expressions can create values of type Ghost<...>:
    let u: Ghost<int> = Ghost(my_spec_fun(x as int, y@ as int));
    let mut v: Ghost<int> = Ghost(u@ + 1);
    assert(v@ == x + y@ + 1);
    proof {
        v@ = v@ + 1;  // proof code may assign to the view of exec variables of type Ghost/Tracked
    let w: Ghost<int> = Ghost(
            // proof block that returns a ghost value
            let temp = v@ + 1;
            temp + 1
    assert(w@ == x + y@ + 4);

fn test_consume(t: Tracked<int>)
        t@ <= 7,
    proof {
        let tracked x = t.get();
        assert(x <= 7);

/// Ghost(...) and Tracked(...) patterns can unwrap Ghost<...> and Tracked<...> values:
fn test_ghost_unwrap(
    x: u32,
    Ghost(y): Ghost<u32>,
)  // unwrap so that y has typ u32, not Ghost<u32>
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
    // Ghost(u) pattern unwraps Ghost<...> values and gives u and v type int:
    let Ghost(u): Ghost<int> = Ghost(my_spec_fun(x as int, y as int));
    let Ghost(mut v): Ghost<int> = Ghost(u + 1);
    assert(v == x + y + 1);
    proof {
        v = v + 1;  // assign directly to ghost mut v
    let Ghost(w): Ghost<int> = Ghost(
            // proof block that returns a ghost value
            let temp = v + 1;
            temp + 1
    assert(w == x + y + 4);

struct S {}

/// Exec code can use "let ghost" and "let tracked" to create local ghost and tracked variables.
/// Exec code can extract individual ghost and tracked values from Ghost and Tracked wrappers
/// with "let ...Ghost(x)..." and "let ...Tracked(x)...".
fn test_ghost_tuple_match(t: (Tracked<S>, Tracked<S>, Ghost<int>, Ghost<int>)) -> Tracked<S> {
    let ghost g: (int, int) = (10, 20);
    assert(g.0 + g.1 == 30);
    let ghost (g1, g2) = g;
    assert(g1 + g2 == 30);
    // b1, b2: Tracked<S> and g3, g4: Ghost<int>
    let (Tracked(b1), Tracked(b2), Ghost(g3), Ghost(g4)) = t;

/// Exec code can Ghost(...) or Tracked(...) unwrapped parameter
/// to create a mutable ghost or tracked parameter:
fn test_ghost_mut(Ghost(g): Ghost<&mut int>)
        *g == *old(g) + 1,
    proof {
        *g = *g + 1;

fn test_call_ghost_mut() {
    let ghost mut g = 10int;
    test_ghost_mut(Ghost(&mut g));
    assert(g == 11);

/// Spec functions are not checked for correctness (although they are checked for termination).
/// However, marking a spec function as "spec(checked)" enables lightweight "recommends checking"
/// inside the spec function.
spec(checked) fn my_spec_fun2(x: int, y: int) -> int
        x < 100,
        y < 100,
    // Because of spec(checked), Verus checks that my_spec_fun's recommends clauses are satisfied here:
    my_spec_fun(x, y)

/// Spec functions may omit their body, in which case they are considered
/// uninterpreted (returning an arbitrary value of the return type depending on the input values).
/// This is safe, since spec functions (unlike proof and exec functions) may always
/// return arbitrary values of any type,
/// where the value may be special "bottom" value for otherwise uninhabited types.
spec fn my_uninterpreted_fun1(i: int, j: int) -> int;

spec fn my_uninterpreted_fun2(i: int, j: int) -> int
        0 <= i < 10,
        0 <= j < 10,

/// Trait functions may have specifications
trait T {
    proof fn my_uninterpreted_fun2(&self, i: int, j: int) -> (r: int)
            0 <= i < 10,
            0 <= j < 10,
            i <= r,
            j <= r,

enum ThisOrThat {
    That { v: int },

proof fn uses_is(t: ThisOrThat) {
    match t {
        ThisOrThat::This(..) => assert(t is This),
        ThisOrThat::That { .. } => assert(t is That),

proof fn uses_arrow_matches_1(t: ThisOrThat)
        t is That ==> t->v == 3,
        t is This ==> t->0 == 4,
    assert(t matches ThisOrThat::This(k) ==> k == 4);
    assert(t matches ThisOrThat::That { v } ==> v == 3);

proof fn uses_arrow_matches_2(t: ThisOrThat)
        t matches ThisOrThat::That { v: a } && a == 3,
    assert(t is That && t->v == 3);

struct Collection {}

impl Collection {
    pub spec fn spec_has(&self, v: nat) -> bool;

proof fn uses_spec_has(c: Collection)
        c has 3,
    assert(c has 3);
    assert(c has 3 == c has 3);

} // verus!