Recursive exec and proof functions, proofs by induction

The previous section introduced a specification for triangle numbers. Given that, let’s try a series of executable implementations of triangle numbers, starting with a simple recursive implementation:

fn rec_triangle(n: u32) -> (sum: u32)
        sum == triangle(n as nat),
    if n == 0 {
    } else {
        n + rec_triangle(n - 1) // FAILS: possible overflow

We immediately run into one small practical difficulty: the implementation needs to use a finite-width integer to hold the result, and this integer may overflow:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |         n + rec_triangle(n - 1) // FAILS: possible overflow
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Indeed, we can’t expect the implementation to work if the result won’t fit in the finite-width integer type, so it makes sense to add a precondition saying that the result must fit, which for a u32 result means triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000:

fn rec_triangle(n: u32) -> (sum: u32)
        triangle(n as nat) < 0x1_0000_0000,
        sum == triangle(n as nat),
    if n == 0 {
    } else {
        n + rec_triangle(n - 1)

This time, verification succeeds. It’s worth pausing for a few minutes, though, to understand why the verification succeeds. For example, an execution of rec_triangle(10) performs 10 separate additions, each of which could potentially overflow. How does Verus know that none of these 10 additions will overflow, given just the initial precondition triangle(10) < 0x1_0000_0000?

The answer is that each instance of triangle(n) for n != 0 makes a recursive call to triangle(n - 1), and this recursive call must satisfy the precondition triangle(n - 1) < 0x1_0000_0000. Let’s look at how this is proved. If we know triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000 from rec_triangle’s precondition and we use 1 unit of fuel to inline the definition of triangle once, we get:

triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000
triangle(n) = if n == 0 { 0 } else { n + triangle(n - 1) }

In the case where n != 0, this simplifies to:

triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000
triangle(n) = n + triangle(n - 1)

From this, we conclude n + triangle(n - 1) < 0x1_0000_0000, which means that triangle(n - 1) < 0x1_0000_0000, since 0 <= n, since n has type u32, which is nonnegative.

Intuitively, you can imagine that as rec_triangle executes, proofs about triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000 gets passed down the stack to the recursive calls, proving triangle(10) < 0x1_0000_0000 in the first call, then triangle(9) < 0x1_0000_0000 in the second call, triangle(8) < 0x1_0000_0000 in the third call, and so on. (Of course, the proofs don’t actually exist at run-time — they are purely static and are erased before compilation — but this is still a reasonable way to think about it.)

Towards an imperative implementation: mutation and tail recursion

The recursive implementation presented above is easy to write and verify, but it’s not very efficient, since it requires a lot of stack space for the recursion. Let’s take a couple small steps towards a more efficient, imperative implementation based on while loops. First, to prepare for the mutable variables that we’ll use in while loops, let’s switch sum from being a return value to being a mutably updated variable:

fn mut_triangle(n: u32, sum: &mut u32)
        triangle(n as nat) < 0x1_0000_0000,
        *sum == triangle(n as nat),
    if n == 0 {
        *sum = 0;
    } else {
        mut_triangle(n - 1, sum);
        *sum = *sum + n;

From the verification’s point of view, this doesn’t change anything significant. Internally, when performing verification, Verus simply represents the final value of *sum as a return value, making the verification of mut_triangle essentially the same as the verification of rec_triangle.

Next, let’s try to eliminate the excessive stack usage by making the function tail recursive. We do this by introducing and index variable idx that counts up from 0 to n, just as a while loop would do:

fn tail_triangle(n: u32, idx: u32, sum: &mut u32)
        idx <= n,
        *old(sum) == triangle(idx as nat),
        triangle(n as nat) < 0x1_0000_0000,
        *sum == triangle(n as nat),
    if idx < n {
        let idx = idx + 1;
        *sum = *sum + idx;
        tail_triangle(n, idx, sum);

In the preconditions and postconditions, the expression *old(sum) refers to the initial value of *sum, at the entry to the function, while *sum refers to the final value, at the exit from the function. The precondition *old(sum) == triangle(idx as nat) specifies that as tail_triangle executes more and more recursive calls, sum accumulates the sum 0 + 1 + ... + idx. Each recursive call increases idx by 1 until idx reaches n, at which point sum equals 0 + 1 + ... + n and the function simply returns sum unmodified.

When we try to verify tail_triangle, though, Verus reports an error about possible overflow:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
    |         *sum = *sum + idx;
    |                ^^^^^^^^^^

This may seem perplexing at first: why doesn’t the precondition triangle(n as nat) < 0x1_0000_0000 automatically take care of the overflow, as it did for rec_triangle and mut_triangle?

The problem is that we’ve reversed the order of the addition and the recursive call. rec_triangle and mut_triangle made the recursive call first, and then performed the addition. This allowed them to prove all the necessary facts about overflow first in the series of recursive calls (e.g. proving triangle(10) < 0x1_0000_0000, triangle(9) < 0x1_0000_0000, …, triangle(0) < 0x1_0000_0000.) before doing the arithmetic that depends on these facts. But tail_triangle tries to perform the arithmetic first, before the recursion, so it never has a chance to develop these facts from the original triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000 assumption.

Proofs by induction

In the example of computing triangle(10), we need to know triangle(0) < 0x1_0000_0000, then triangle(1) < 0x1_0000_0000, and so on, but we only know triangle(10) < 0x1_0000_0000 to start with. If we somehow knew that triangle(0) <= triangle(10), triangle(1) <= triangle(10), and so on, then we could derive what we want from triangle(10) < 0x1_0000_0000. What we need is a lemma that proves the if i <= j, then triangle(i) <= triangle(j). In other words, we need to prove that triangle is monotonic.

We can use a proof function to implement this lemma:

proof fn triangle_is_monotonic(i: nat, j: nat)
        i <= j ==> triangle(i) <= triangle(j),
    decreases j,
    // We prove the statement `i <= j ==> triangle(i) <= triangle(j)`
    // by induction on `j`.

    if j == 0 {
        // The base case (`j == 0`) is trivial since it's only
        // necessary to reason about when `i` and `j` are both 0.
        // So no proof lines are needed for this case.
    else {
        // In the induction step, we can assume the statement is true
        // for `j - 1`. In Verus, we can get that fact into scope with
        // a recursive call substituting `j - 1` for `j`.

        triangle_is_monotonic(i, (j - 1) as nat);

        // Once we know it's true for `j - 1`, the rest of the proof
        // is trivial.

The proof is by induction on j, where the base case of the induction is i == j and the induction step relates j - 1 to j. In Verus, the induction step is implemented as a recursive call from the proof to itself (in this example, this recursive call is line triangle_is_monotonic(i, (j - 1) as nat)).

As with recursive spec functions, recursive proof functions must terminate and need a decreases clause. Otherwise, it would be easy to prove false, as in the following non-terminating “proof”:

proof fn circular_reasoning()
    circular_reasoning(); // FAILS, does not terminate

We can use the triangle_is_monotonic lemma to complete the verification of tail_triangle:

fn tail_triangle(n: u32, idx: u32, sum: &mut u32)
        idx <= n,
        *old(sum) == triangle(idx as nat),
        triangle(n as nat) < 0x1_0000_0000,
        *sum == triangle(n as nat),
    if idx < n {
        let idx = idx + 1;
        assert(*sum + idx < 0x1_0000_0000) by {
            triangle_is_monotonic(idx as nat, n as nat);
        *sum = *sum + idx;
        tail_triangle(n, idx, sum);

Intuitively, we can think of the call from tail_triangle to triangle_is_monotonic as performing a similar recursive proof that rec_triangle and mut_triangle performed as they proved their triangle(n) < 0x1_0000_0000 preconditions in their recursive calls. In going from rec_triangle and mut_triangle to tail_triangle, we’ve just shifted this recursive reasoning from the executable code into a separate recursive lemma.