Expressions and operators for specifications

To make specifications easier to read and write, Verus supports syntactic sugar for various arithmetic and boolean operations in ghost code. For example, you can write:

forall|i: int, j: int| 0 <= i <= j < len ==> f(i, j)

This is equivalent to:

forall|i: int, j: int| !(0 <= i && i <= j && j < len) || f(i, j)

Chained inequalities

In ghost code, you can chain together multiple <=, <, >=, and > operations, writing 0 <= i <= j < len as a shorthand for 0 <= i && i <= j && j < len, for example.

(If any of the expressions are complex expressions, as in 0 <= f(x + 1, 3 * y) < n, for efficiency’s sake, Verus will automatically create a temporary variable for the complex expressions, as in {let tmp = f(x + 1, 3 * y); 0 <= tmp < n}, rather than duplicating the expressions.)

Boolean operators

For boolean expressions b1, …, bn, Verus supports the following abbreviations:

b1 ==> b2!b1 || b2implies
b1 <== b2b1 || !b2explies
b1 <==> b2b1 == b2equivalent
&&& b1 &&& b2 … &&& bnb1 && b2 && … && bnprefix-and
||| b1 ||| b2 … ||| bnb1 || b2 || … || bnprefix-or

These abbreviations have lower precedence than most other Rust expressions, so that, for example, a ==> b && c means a ==> (b && c):

* / %left
+ -left
<< >>left
=== !== == != <= < >= >requires parentheses
<==>requires parentheses
closures, forall, existsright

The is operator, and the “arrow” field access

If you define an enum,

enum ThisOrThat {
    That { v: int },

you can then use (in specification code) the syntax t is This or t is That which will be true if t is a value of the relevant enum variant.

If, in addition, all the fields have distinct names, like in the example above you can then access the fields with t->v or t->0 (for positional fields note that these are supported if only one variant has “tuple like” fields).

If field in different variants have the same name, you can still use the -> arrow syntax by also specifying the field, for example, for:

enum ThisOrThat {
    This { t: int },
    That { t: int },

you can use v->This_t or v->That_t.

matches with &&&, ==>, and &&

For more complex cases, and where you need an enum where multiple variants have fields of the same name, you can use the t matches That { v: a } syntax, which will result in a boolean representing whether t matches the provided pattern. You can also follow it up with ==> and && and subsequent expressions (that bind at least as tightly) will have access to the bound variables in the parttern (a in this example).

For example, for that enum, you can say;

proof fn uses_arrow_matches_1(t: ThisOrThat)
        t is That ==> t->v == 3,
        t is This ==> t->0 == 4,
    assert(t matches ThisOrThat::This(k) ==> k == 4);
    assert(t matches ThisOrThat::That { v } ==> v == 3);

The “t matches pattern” syntax is also valid as an expression of a &&& chain, e.g.

proof fn test1(t: ThisOrThat)
    requires ({
        &&& t matches ThisOrThat::That { v: a }
        &&& a > 3
        &&& a < 5
    // ...