Devising Loop Invariants

Below, we develop several examples that show how to work through the process of devising invariants for loops.

Example 1: Fibonacci

Suppose our goal is to compute values in the Fibonacci sequence. We use a spec function fib to mathematically define our specification using nats and a recursive description:

spec fn fib(n: nat) -> nat
    decreases n,
    if n == 0 {
    } else if n == 1 {
    } else {
        fib((n - 2) as nat) + fib((n - 1) as nat)

Our goal is to write a more efficient iterative implementation as the exec function fib_impl. To keep things simple, we’ll add a precondition to fib_impl saying that the result needs to fit into a u64 value. We connect the correctness of fib_impl’s return value to our mathematical specification in fib_impl’s ensures clause.

fn fib_impl(n: u64) -> (result: u64)
        fib(n as nat) <= u64::MAX
        result == fib(n as nat),
    if n == 0 {
        return 0;
    let mut prev: u64 = 0;
    let mut cur: u64 = 1;
    let mut i: u64 = 1;
    while i < n
        i = i + 1;
        let new_cur = cur + prev;
        prev = cur;
        cur = new_cur;

However, if we ask Verus to verify this code, it reports two errors:

error: postcondition not satisfied
   |           result == fib(n as nat),
   |           ----------------------- failed this postcondition


error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |         let new_cur = cur + prev;
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^

Let’s start by addressing the first failure. It shouldn’t be surprising that Verus can’t tell that we satisfy the postcondition, since our while loop doesn’t have any invariants. This means that after the while loop terminates, Verus doesn’t know anything about what happened inside the loop, except that the loop’s conditional (i < n) no longer holds. To fix this, let’s try to craft an invariant that summarizes the work we’re doing inside the loop that we think will lead to satisfying the postcondition. In this case, since we return cur and expect it to be fib(n as nat), let’s add the invariant that cur == fib(i as nat).

If we run Verus, we see that this still isn’t enough to satisfy the postcondition. Why? Let’s think about what Verus knows after the loop terminates. It knows our invariant, and it knows !(i < n), which is equivalent to i >= n. When we think about it this way, it’s clear what the problem is: Verus doesn’t know that i == n! Hence, we need another invariant to relate i and n as the loop progresses. We know i starts at 1, and it should end at n, so let’s add the invariant 1 <= i <= n. Notice that we need to use i <= n, since in the last iteration of the loop, we will start with i == n - 1 and then increment i, and an invariant must always be true after the loop body executes.

With this new invariant, Verus no longer reports an error about the postcondition, so we’ve made progress! To be explicit about the progress we’ve made, after the loop terminates, Verus now knows (thanks to our new invariant) that i <= n, and from the fact that the loop terminates, it also knows that i >= n, so it can conclude that i == n, and hence from the invariant that cur == fib(i as nat), it now knows that cur == fib(n as nat).

Unfortunately, Verus is still concerned about arithmetic underflow/overflow, and it also reports a new error, saying that our new invariant about cur doesn’t hold. Let’s tackle the underflow/overflow issue first. Note that we can deduce that the problem is a potential overflow, since we’re adding two non-negative numbers. We also know from our precondition that fib(n as nat) will fit into a u64, but to use this information inside the while loop, we need to add it as an invariant too. See the earlier discussion of loops and invariants for why this is the case. This still isn’t enough, however. We also need to know something about the value of prev if we want to show that cur + prev will not overflow. Since we’re using prev to track earlier values of Fibonacci, let’s add prev == fib((i - 1) as nat) as an invariant.

Despite these new invariants, Verus still reports the same error. Why? The issue is that although we know that fib(n as nat) won’t overflow, that doesn’t necessarily mean that fib(i as nat) won’t overflow. As humans, we know this is true, because i < n and fib is monotonic (i.e., it always grows larger as its argument increases). Proving this property, however, requires an inductive proof. Before writing the proof itself, let’s just state the property we want as a lemma and see if it suffices to make our proof go through. Here’s the Verus version of the informal property we want. We write it as a proof mode function, since its only purpose is to establish this property.

proof fn lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i: nat, j: nat)
        i <= j,
        fib(i) <= fib(j),

Verus can’t yet prove this, but let’s try invoking it in our while loop. To call this lemma in our exec implementation, we employ a proof {} block and pass in the relevant arguments. At the call site, Verus checks that the preconditions for lemma_fib_is_monotonic hold and then assumes that the postconditions hold.

fn fib_impl(n: u64) -> (result: u64)
        fib(n as nat) <= u64::MAX
        result == fib(n as nat),
    if n == 0 {
        return 0;
    let mut prev: u64 = 0;
    let mut cur: u64 = 1;
    let mut i: u64 = 1;
    while i < n
            0 < i <= n,
            fib(n as nat) <= u64::MAX,
            cur == fib(i as nat),
            prev == fib((i - 1) as nat),
        i = i + 1;
        proof {
            lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i as nat, n as nat);
        let new_cur = cur + prev;
        prev = cur;
        cur = new_cur;

We put the lemma invocation after the increment of i, so that it establishes that fib(i as nat) <= fib(n as nat) for the new value of i that we’re about to compute by summing cur and prev. With this lemma invocation, fib_impl now verifies!

We’re not done yet, however. We still need to prove lemma_fib_is_monotonic. To construct our inductive proof, we need to lay out the base cases, and then help Verus with the inductive step(s). Here’s the basic skeleton:

proof fn lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i: nat, j: nat)
        i <= j,
        fib(i) <= fib(j),
    if i < 2 && j < 2 {
    } else if i == j {
    } else if i == j - 1 {
    } else {


Notice that we’ve added assume(false) to the two trickier cases (following the approach of using assert and assume to build our proof). When we run Verus, it succeeds, indicating that Verus doesn’t need any help with our base cases. However, if we remove the first assume(false), Verus reports that the postcondition is not satisfied, confirming that Verus needs help here. We can help Verus by (essentially) telling it to unfold the definition of fib(j) one level, i.e., by writing:

assert(fib(j) == fib((j - 2) as nat) + fib((j - 1) as nat));

In this case, that’s enough to complete this branch of the proof, since Verus knows that fib((j - 1) as nat) == fib(i as nat), and the assertion shows that fib(j) cannot be less than fib(i as nat) (since fib returns non-negative values).

The final portion of the proof, however, needs more help (you can confirm this by adding the same assertion we used above; the assertion passes, but the postcondition still fails). The key idea here is to use our induction hypothesis to show that fib(i) is smaller than both fib(j - 1) and fib(j - 2). We do this via two recursive invocations of lemma_fib_is_monotonic. Note that adding recursive calls means we need to add a decreases clause. In this case, we’re decreasing the distance between j and i, so j - i works.

proof fn lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i: nat, j: nat)
        i <= j,
        fib(i) <= fib(j),
    decreases j - i,
    if i < 2 && j < 2 {
    } else if i == j {
    } else if i == j - 1 {
        assert(fib(j) == fib((j - 2) as nat) + fib((j - 1) as nat));
    } else {
        lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i, (j - 1) as nat);
        lemma_fib_is_monotonic(i, (j - 2) as nat);

With these additions, the proof succeeds, meaning that our entire program now verifies successfully!

Example 2: Account Balance

In this example, we’re given a slice of i64 values that represent a series of deposits and withdrawals from a bank account. The goal is to determine whether the account’s balance ever drops below 0. We formalize this requirement with the spec function always_non_negative, which is itself defined in terms of computing a sum of the first i elements in a sequence of i64 values.

spec fn always_non_negative(s: Seq<i64>) -> bool
    forall|i: int| 0 <= i <= s.len() ==> sum(#[trigger] s.take(i)) >= 0    

spec fn sum(s: Seq<i64>) -> int
    decreases s.len(),
    if s.len() == 0 {
    } else {
        sum(s.drop_last()) + s.last()

In our implementation, as usual, we tie the concrete result r to our spec in the ensures clause.

fn non_negative(operations: &[i64]) -> (r: bool)
        r == always_non_negative(operations@),
    let mut s = 0i128;
    for i in 0usize..operations.len()
        s = s + operations[i] as i128;
        if s < 0 {
            return false;

Note that we use an i128 to compute the account’s running sum since it allows us to have sufficiently large numbers without overflowing. As an exercise, you can try modifying the implementation to use an i64 for the sum instead, adding any additional invariants and proofs you need. Here we use a for loop instead of a while loop, which means that we get a free invariant that 0 <= i <= operations.len(). As before, however, that’s not enough to prove our postcondition or even to rule out overflow; Verus reports:

error: postcondition not satisfied
   |           r == always_non_negative(operations@),
   |           ------------------------------------- failed this postcondition
   | / {
   | |     let mut s = 0i128;
   | |     for i in 0usize..operations.len()
   | |     {
...  |
   | |     true
   | | }
   | |_^ at the end of the function body

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
   |         s = s + operations[i] as i128;
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Let’s address the possible underflow/overflow first. Why don’t we expect this to happen? Well, we don’t expect underflow because we start with s = 0, and if at any point s goes below 0, we immediately return. How far can s go below 0? At worst, we might subtract i64::MIN from 0, so we can argue that i64::MIN <= s is an invariant. To rule out overflow, we need to consider how large s can grow. A simple bound is to say that if we add i i64 values together, the sum must be bounded by i64::MAX * i. Putting this together, we can add a loop invariant that says i64::MIN <= s <= i64::MAX * i. With this invariant in place, Verus no longer complains about possible arithmetic underflow/overflow.

Now let’s address functional correctness, so that we can prove the postcondition holds. As before, we want our loop invariants to summarize the progress that we’ve made towards the postcondition, ideally in a form such that when the loop terminates, the invariant nicely matches up with the expression in the postcondition. A first step in this direction is to make it explicit that s represents the sum of the values up to i; i.e., s == sum(operations@.take(i as int)). We also need to keep track of the fact that we’ve checked each individual sum to confirm that it’s non-negative. In other words, we need forall|j: int| 0 <= j <= i ==> sum(#[trigger] operations@.take(j)) >= 0. With these additions, Verus produces new complaints:

error: invariant not satisfied at end of loop body
   |             s == sum(operations@.take(i as int)),
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: postcondition not satisfied
   |         r == always_non_negative(operations@),
   |         ------------------------------------- failed this postcondition
   |             return false;
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ at this exit

Are these two different issues or two symptoms of the same underlying issue? One way to check this is by assuming that the first one is true and seeing what happens to the second error. In other words, we update the body of the loop to be:

s = s + operations[i] as i128;
assume(s == sum(operations@.take((i + 1) as int)));
if s < 0 {
    return false;

It turns out this assumption eliminates both errors, so we really only need to convince Verus that we’ve correctly computed the sum of the first i+1 operations. If we let ops_i_plus_1 be operations@.take((i + 1) as int) and unfold the definition of sum, we can see that sum(ops_i_plus_1) == sum(ops_i_plus_1.drop_last()) + ops_i_plus_1.last(). This means Verus is having trouble determining that the right-hand side matches the value we computed (namely s + operations[i]). Lets check that the second term in the two sums match, namely:

assert(operations[i as int] == ops_i_plus_1.last());

That succeeds, so the problem must be showing that s (which we know from our invariant is sum(operations@.take(i as int))) is equal to sum(ops_i_plus_1.drop_last()). Clearly, these two values would be equal if the arguments to sum were equal, so let’s see if Verus can prove that, which we can check by writing:

assert(operations@.take(i as int) == ops_i_plus_1.drop_last());

Verus is able to verify this assertion, and not only that, it can then prove our previous assumption that s == sum(operations@.take((i + 1) as int), hence completing our proof. Why does this work? Stating the assertion causes Verus to invoke axioms about sequence extensionality, i.e., the conditions under which two sequences are equal, which then allows it to prove our sequences are equal, which proves the sums are equal, which completes the proof.

Here’s the full version of the verifying implementation.

fn non_negative(operations: &[i64]) -> (r: bool)
        r == always_non_negative(operations@),
    let mut s = 0i128;
    for i in 0usize..operations.len()
            s == sum(operations@.take(i as int)),
            forall|j: int| 0 <= j <= i ==> sum(#[trigger] operations@.take(j)) >= 0,
            i64::MIN <= s <= i64::MAX * i,
        assert(operations@.take(i as int) =~= operations@.take(
            (i + 1) as int,
        s = s + operations[i] as i128;
        if s < 0 {
            return false;